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Create an XML Schema File from a SQL Server Database

 Keywords: SQL Server Database XML Schema System.Data System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection System.Data.DataTable SQLOLEDB.1 .Net dotNet 

Attached is a script that uses WB's CLR to create an xml schema file from a SQL Server Database. The oledb classes in the .NET Framework are not a huge leap from COM ADO, and results are delivered very fast.
;Winbatch 2013B - Basics with CLR and SQL Server (tested using 2008 Express R2 )
;ADO functionality is built into the .NET Framework, This uses Version 4, but should work
;with earlier versions.
;The script creates a local xml file based on a schema query into the Master database
;(you can substitute your own database to test, but Master is in all SQL Servers).
;Windows Authentication used in connection string.
;Stan Littlefield, January 8, 2014

ObjectClrOption("use","System.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089")
If FileExist(cXML) Then FileDelete(cXML)
svr = ".\SQLEXPRESS"
db = "Master"
cConn ="Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Data Source=":svr:";Database=":db:";Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False"
oProvider = ObjectClrNew("System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection",cConn)
oTables = ObjectClrNew("System.Data.DataTable")
oTables = oProvider.GetSchema("Tables")

oTables = 0

If FileExist(cXML) Then Display(2,"Schema File Created for: ":db,cXML)

Article ID:   W17810
Filename:   Create an XML Schema File from a SQL Server Database.txt
File Created: 2014:01:08:09:52:40
Last Updated: 2014:01:08:09:52:40