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Insert Excel Data Into Access

 Keywords: Insert Select Excel Data Into Access ACE OLEDB Provider Excel 12.0 Xml 

;Winbatch 2013 - CLR - OLEDB: Insert Excel Data Into Access
;USES: Test.accdb and test.xlsx 
;REQUIRES: ACE OLEDB Provider (installed with Office 2007/2010)
;          .NET Assemblies 4.0
;TESTED: Win7 32-bit
;Stan Littlefield July 17, 2013
;do required files exist
cACCDB = Dirscript():"test.accdb"
If ! FileExist(cACCDB) Then Terminate(@TRUE,"Cannot Continue","Missing Database File: ":cACCDB)
cXLS = Dirscript():"test.xlsx"
If ! FileExist(cXLS) Then Terminate(@TRUE,"Cannot Continue","Missing Excel File: ":cXLS)
;create Display Window
BoxOpen("Please Wait","Inserting Excel Sheet Into Access...")
;create connection string and initiate Provider
cConn = 'Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;data source=':cACCDB  ; cannot use ';Connect Timeout=30;' 
ObjectClrOption("use","System.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089")
oProvider = ObjectClrNew("System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection",cConn)

;issue "SELECT INTO" with Command Object to create Excel Tab via Office ISAM Drivers
;NOTE: the SQL will create a new tab named DOW, but if that Tab already exists either an error will occur
;      or a DOW1 tab will be created.
oCommand = ObjectClrNew("System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand")
oCommand.Connection = oProvider
oCommand.CommandText = 'INSERT INTO [DOW] SELECT * FROM [DOW$] IN "" [Excel 12.0 Xml;DATABASE=%cXLS%;HDR=YES;IMEX=1];'
oCommand.CommandTimeout = 30
oCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() ;no need to return a recordset object
;recover memory before exiting script
BoxShut() ;close Display Window

Article ID:   W17813
Filename:   Insert Excel Data Into Access.txt
File Created: 2013:07:18:09:10:24
Last Updated: 2013:07:18:09:10:24