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WinBatch Ascii Codes

Keywords:	 Ascii	code

These are the ASCII codes you can use to insert strange key sequences into the Clipboard so they can then be replayed into DOS boxes with the SendKey(""!{space}ep"") sequence:

CTRL	      CODE	    DEC		 HEX

NUL	       ^@	    000		 0  

SOH	       ^A	    001		 1  

STX	       ^B	    002		 2  

ETX	       ^C	    003		 3  
EQT	       ^D	    004		 4  

ENQ	       ^E	    005		 5  

ACK	       ^F	    006		 6  

BEL	       ^G	    007		 7  

BS	       ^H	    008		 8  

HT	       ^I	    009		 9  

LF	       ^J	    010		 0A 

VT	       ^K	    011		 0B 

FF	       ^L	    012		 0C 

CR	       ^M	    013		 0D 

SO	       ^N	    014		 0E 

SI	       ^O	    015		 0F 

DLE	       ^P	    016		 10 

DC1	       ^Q	    017		 11 

DC2	       ^R	    018		 12 

DC3	       ^S	    019		 13 

DC4	       ^T	    020		 14 

NAK	       ^U	    021		 15 

SYN	       ^V	    022		 16 

ETB	       ^W	    023		 17 

CAN	       ^X	    024		 18 

EM	       ^Y	    025		 19 

SUB	       ^Z	    026		 1A 

ESC	       ^[	    027		 1B 

FS	       ^/	    028		 1C 

GS	       ^]	    029		 1D 

RS	       ^^	    030		 1E 

US	       ^_	    031		 1F

Article ID:   W13468
Filename:   WinBatch Ascii Codes.txt
File Created: 1999:04:15:16:54:14
Last Updated: 1999:04:15:16:54:14