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Error 127: Unknown File Server during Login

Keywords:    Error 127: Unknown File Server


I wrote 2 scripts, one to log me out at night and another to log me back in the morning. The logout is basically just an n4logout with some other stuff. The login script logs me in, attaches to 4 servers and maps a bunch of drives.

When I run the login script it gives me an "Error 127: Unknown File Server". The only server I can get connected to is the server that monitors my NDS connection. I am running the Intranetware Client v 2.20.

As far as name resolution, we're not really doing aything funky.. For Netware we use IPX which as far I know handles its name resolution via SAP. I tried IP and that didn't work. Also I'm not going over any rouuters, but I am going through a switch, though I don't see how it would be a problem.

BTW: There is no data available in the WWWBATCH.ini file in my Windows directory, indicating what the Novell error might be. And in fact the files does not even exist. We're running Windows 95.

As far as traffic, I suppose it's a possiblity, but I do see the servers under Netware Servers in Network Neighborhood.


So basically n4Attach's seem to be failing.

It is possible that you are having network routing problems unrelated to WinBatch. I have seen this on our own network, and the problem went away when we got our network traffic back in ship-shape. The server I wanted to connect to was not visible in Network Neighborhood under "IntranetWare Servers", but could be found (and manually connected to) when one browsed NDS via "Novell Directory Services".

Too much traffic, man.

Article ID:   W13596
Filename:   Error 127 - Unknown File Server during Login.txt
File Created: 1999:04:15:16:55:06
Last Updated: 1999:04:15:16:55:06