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Password Synchronization from eDir to AD

 Keywords:  password synchronization netware eDir  AD


My users login to the eDirectory first then to our Active Directory. I would like to write a script that replicates the eDirectory password to the Active Directory every time a user logs in. Is this possible?


No, it's not possible with WinBatch.

Unless you have Universal Password enabled in eDir, the passwords are stored in a digest/hash form and not in a form that can be used to recover the actual password value. Even with Universal Password enabled, the password is stored in an attribute that is protected from read-access by anything except the most privileged portions of the eDir NCP engine itself, and thus you can't access the value.

The proper way to set up password synchronization from eDir to AD is to use Novell's IDM product, which has full password sync capabilities.

Article ID:   W18007
Filename:   password synchronization from eDir to AD.txt
File Created: 2011:01:07:11:24:58
Last Updated: 2011:01:07:11:24:58