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n4Login and 245 Error

Keywords:    error 245 n4login


I'm using n4Login and am getting the Error 245, "Already authenticated as another user." I know I'm not authenticated as another user, and the error is sporatic. n4Logout returns this error also. Any idea what the problem could be?


The problem was that the user was logged into a tree, and was trying to attach to another tree in a different context.

You'll get this error if you're logging into another tree with a different context.

If the server you want to attach to is the same one as what authenticated you, then you'll have to run n4SetContext first, and then do your n4Login.

Article ID:   W13621
Filename:   n4Login and 245 Error.txt
File Created: 1999:04:15:16:55:16
Last Updated: 1999:04:15:16:55:16