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1261 Ole Exception Error

Keywords:   1261 OLE Exception 


I'm getting the 1261 OLE Exception error, in a OLE script that use to work just fine. We have just recently upgraded to WinBatch+Compiler 98E. Have you made any changes to OLE support? Here is my script:

	MyXLObj = ObjectOpen("Excel.Application")
	MyXLObj.Visible = @TRUE
	MyWorkbooks = MyXLObj.Workbooks"C:\My Documents\FLDREFO2.xls")
	MyCell = MyXLObj.ActiveCell
	ValHold = MyCell.Value
	Message("Excel Test",ValHold)

I am getting the Error on the line:"C:\My Documents\FLDREFO2.xls")


We have been working on adding better OLE support in current versions of WinBatch. Many times additional OLE error information is written out the th wwwbatch.ini file that resides in the windowd directory.

However lets take a real close look at your script. The code itself does seem valid. However, you may be getting this error because the file specified in the filepath my not exist or is open in read deny mode.

Try the following code that does some file existence checking.....

fex=FileExist("C:\My Documents\FLDREFO2.xls")
if fex==@TRUE
	MyXLObj = ObjectOpen("Excel.Application")
	MyXLObj.Visible = @TRUE
	MyWorkbooks = MyXLObj.Workbooks"C:\My Documents\FLDREFO2.xls")
	MyCell = MyXLObj.ActiveCell
	ValHold = MyCell.Value
	Message("Excel Test",ValHold)
       if fex==2;;;Opps file is open by another app in read deny mode
          message("Oops","File open by another app (possibly EXCEL), Try closing any open apps with this file")
       Message("Oops","File Path problem")


I keep retrieveing the 1261 error when executing the Import method in the Peachtree COm object model. However, no error information is getting written to the wwwbatch.ini or the wberroraddionalinfo variable if I use IntControl 73.

If the ASCII file that I'm importing has a problem and the import fails. The weird thing is that I am able to get the error that contains reason for the failure in other languages (ie bad product code, missing customer code, etc...) but with WinBatch all I get is an exception error and that's it.

oPtLogin = ObjectCreate("PeachtreeAccounting.Login.13") ;Specificly launches Peachtree 2006
oPTApp = oPTLogin.GetApplication("Sales Automation Services Inc", "password")
oPTConst = ObjectConstantsGet(oPTLogin)
oPTImport = oPTApp.CreateImporter(oPTConst.peachwIEObjSalesJournal)   ; 5 - Sales Journal

oPTImport.AddToImportFieldList(oPTConst.peachwIEObjSalesJournalField_CustomerID)               ;0 - Customer ID
oPTImport.AddToImportFieldList(oPTConst.peachwIEObjSalesJournalField_InvoiceNumber)            ;2 - Invoice Number
oPTImport.AddToImportFieldList(oPTConst.peachwIEObjSalesJournalField_IsCreditMemo)            ;60 - Is Credit Memo
oPTImport.AddToImportFieldList(oPTConst.peachwIEObjSalesJournalField_Date)                     ;3 - Date
oPTImport.AddToImportFieldList(oPTConst.peachwIEObjSalesJournalField_ShipToName)               ;8 - Ship to Name
oPTImport.AddToImportFieldList(oPTConst.peachwIEObjSalesJournalField_ShipToAddressLine1)      ;9 - Ship To Addr1
oPTImport.AddToImportFieldList(oPTConst.peachwIEObjSalesJournalField_ShipToAddressLine2)      ;10 - Ship to Addr2
oPTImport.AddToImportFieldList(oPTConst.peachwIEObjSalesJournalField_ShipToCity)               ;11 - Ship to City
oPTImport.AddToImportFieldList(oPTConst.peachwIEObjSalesJournalField_ShipToState)            ;12 - Ship to State
oPTImport.AddToImportFieldList(oPTConst.peachwIEObjSalesJournalField_ShipToZip)               ;13 - Ship to Zip
oPTImport.AddToImportFieldList(oPTConst.peachwIEObjSalesJournalField_ShipToCountry)            ;14 - Ship to Country
oPTImport.AddToImportFieldList(oPTConst.peachwIEObjSalesJournalField_ShipVia)                  ;16 - ShipVia
oPTImport.AddToImportFieldList(oPTConst.peachwIEObjSalesJournalField_ARAccountID)            ;23 - A/R Account
oPTImport.AddToImportFieldList(oPTConst.peachwIEObjSalesJournalField_TaxType)                  ;25 - Sales Tax Code
oPTImport.AddToImportFieldList(oPTConst.peachwIEObjSalesJournalField_NumberOfDistributions)   ;32 - Number of Distributions
oPTImport.AddToImportFieldList(oPTConst.peachwIEObjSalesJournalField_Quantity)               ;36 - Quantity
oPTImport.AddToImportFieldList(oPTConst.peachwIEObjSalesJournalField_ItemID)                  ;37 - Item ID
oPTImport.AddToImportFieldList(oPTConst.peachwIEObjSalesJournalField_Description)            ;38 - Description
oPTImport.AddToImportFieldList(oPTConst.peachwIEObjSalesJournalField_GLAccountID)            ;39 - G/L Sales Account
oPTImport.AddToImportFieldList(oPTConst.peachwIEObjSalesJournalField_UnitPrice)               ;40 - Unit Price
oPTImport.AddToImportFieldList(oPTConst.peachwIEObjSalesJournalField_TaxType)                  ;41 - Tax Type
oPTImport.AddToImportFieldList(oPTConst.peachwIEObjSalesJournalField_Amount)                  ;42 - Amount
oPTImport.AddToImportFieldList(oPTConst.peachwIEObjSalesJournalField_SalesTaxAuthority)      ;47 - Sales Tax Authority


oPTImport.Import() ;Error Occurs here.
oPTImport = ""


Note: Does the PeachTree COM object model have an 'error' object method or property? If so you may be able to access the error message through that.

I spoke to the developers this morning regarding the issue you are having. The developers claimed that iDispatch Invoke permits different ways for us to retrieve error information. They have apparently implemented every method except one. The method they have chosen not to incorporate is a Microsoft method.

Apparently this method queries system errors using the OS. However, our developers have determined this method as potentially flawed. They found that many times this method, would return invalid error information. They figured rather than returning possible invalid information, they were better off returning nothing at all, other than an generic 1261 error.

For now you are be limited to just capturing the 1261 error. The developers stated however, that they will be looking into adding the MS method for OLE error capturing.

Article ID:   W13658
Filename:   1261  Ole Exception error.txt
File Created: 2006:11:08:10:08:38
Last Updated: 2006:11:08:10:08:38