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Error 3157 Oleinitiate: Too many open channels

Keywords:   Error 3157 Oleinitiate: Too many open channels


I am accessing a Access 97 table in order to check if some files should be copied or not.

Everything works fine just until I get the error Too many channels open at the line:

DI = rs.Fields("DI")
Can somebody help me with it please ? Is there a different way to do it?

Here is my code:

dao = objectopen("DAO.DBEngine.35")
ws = dao.CreateWorkspace
"JetWorkspace","admin", "")
db = ws.OpenDatabase("Logics.mdb")
sqlstr = "SELECT * FROM LogicsInstall WHERE IpAdress = '%ipaddr%'"
rs = db.openrecordset(sqlstr)

; Definition of the Logics Vars

IPAddress = rs.Fields("Ipaddress")
ElNumber = rs.Fields("ElNumber ")
ElNumber2 = rs.Fields("ElNumber2")
ElNumber3 = rs.Fields("ElNumber3")
ElNumber4 = rs.Fields("ElNumber4")
AG = rs.Fields("AG")
BR = rs.Fields("BR")
BYP = rs.Fields("BYP")
CA = rs.Fields("CA")
CCCS = rs.Fields("CCCS")
CL = rs.Fields("CL")
COP = rs.Fields("COP")
CP = rs.Fields("CP")
CPR = rs.Fields("CPR")
CS = rs.Fields("CS")
DDE = rs.Fields("DDE")
DI = rs.Fields("DI")
DIALOG_ = rs.Fields("DIALOG")
DIALOG1 = rs.Fields("DIALOG1")
DIALOG2 = rs.Fields("DIALOG2")
DIALOG3 = rs.Fields("DIALOG3")
DIALOG4 = rs.Fields("DIALOG4")
EASY = rs.Fields("EASY")
EPPR = rs.Fields("EPPR")
FNS = rs.Fields("FNS")
FOUR = rs.Fields("FOUR")
GR = rs.Fields("GR")
GTTP = rs.Fields("GTTP")
LP = rs.Fields("LP")
LPHC = rs.Fields("LPHC")
MM = rs.Fields("MM")
MONITL = rs.Fields("MONITL")
OASE = rs.Fields("OASE")
PC = rs.Fields("PC")
PEN2 = rs.Fields("PEN2")
PF = rs.Fields("PF")
PHARM = rs.Fields("PHARM")
PX = rs.Fields("PX")
RA = rs.Fields("RA")
RE = rs.Fields("RE")
UDS = rs.Fields("UDS ") 


Do seem to be opening up a lot of connections but not doing anything with the information. Don't acces fields that you are really not going to use.

ObjectClose the ones you don;t need any more.

The following reportedly seems to help. You might try a For...Next

flds = rs.fields
nCnt = flds.Count()

For i = 0 to nCnt -1 ; fields are 0-based
field = rs.Fields(i)
; then do whatever

Article ID:   W14680
Filename:   Error 3157 Oleinitiate - Too many open channels.txt
File Created: 2000:07:17:11:00:26
Last Updated: 2000:07:17:11:00:26