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Running Compiled EXE Generates OLE Error

Keywords: 	 1251 OLE error


My script runs fine from the designer. When I compile it, I get the following error:
1251 Ole: WIL Ole interface Dll not found (WBOLExxx.DLL) 
Any ideas?



If the WB99 version and compiling a large exe, be sure to add the "OLE 2.0 Automation Extender". It true that seem to be a lack of hints that you have to do this.

If compiling a small exe be sure to copy over the WBOxx34I.DLL along with the other DLLs you app needs.

Article ID:   W13679
Filename:   Running Compiled EXE Generates OLE Error.txt
File Created: 2001:03:01:13:23:58
Last Updated: 2001:03:01:13:23:58