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OLE with Access

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Access Visible Problem


I'm sure this has been done, and I *thought* there was a tutorial, but I can't seem to locate it. Anyway, all I'm looking to do is delete an existing table, and import another one. A shove in the right direction would be great.


OLE Import a table into Access
;   setup constants...

acTable = 0  
acImport = 0

SourceMDBName        = "C:\Data\Access\LogFile.mdb"
DestinationMDBName   = "C:\Data\Access\Naruni.mdb"

SourceTableName      = "Log Table"
DestinationTableName = "New Log Table"

;   open access...
accessDB = ObjectOpen("Access.Application")
ADB = accessDB.Application
dbname = DestinationMDBName
ADB.Visible = @FALSE
ADB.UserControl = @FALSE
;   reference the DOCmd method...
ADBCmd = ADB.docmd

;   set up the ref to tabledefs collection...
db = accessDB.currentdb
tdefs = db.tabledefs
tlist = @FALSE
;   loop thru the table defs...
For t = 0 To tdefs.count-1
   ; setup the ref for this table in the collection...
   table = db.tabledefs(t)
   ;   check to see if the table already exists...
   If == DestinationTableName
      tlist = @TRUE

;   if table exists delete it...
If tlist Then ADBCmd.DeleteObject(acTable, DestinationTableName)
;   this will copy the whole table from the source to the destination...
ADBCmd.TransferDatabase (acImport, "Microsoft Access", SourceMDBName, acTable, SourceTableName, DestinationTableName)


Message("Debug", "All Done")


In ADO you could use:


INSERT INTO Table1 SELECT * FROM Table2 [ IN database ]
I believe if you set Errormode off prior to the Delete Statement, then set it back on after, you will not have to check that the table exists.

Notes: The IN Keyword is MSAccess specific, and it allows you to directly import into a table from either another Access Table or a supported ISAM.

INSERT INTO TABLE1 SELECT * FROM filename IN [dBase IV;Database=C:\temp];
if both the dBase IV file and TABLE1 had the same structure; if you were doing it from a text file you would have an entry in schema.ini - or it works with Excel or HTML.

Important NOTE: after Office 2000, Microsoft turned off all ISAM support except read-only for the Paradox/dbase ISAMS. So if you were using the Jet 4.0 Provider with Extended Properties=dBase III, you cannot update; you either have to install the BDE (Borlan Database Editor??) or use a workaround.

Article ID:   W16099
File Created: 2004:03:30:15:42:52
Last Updated: 2004:03:30:15:42:52