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OLE with Access

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OLE and Named Arguments

Keywords: 	 Named Arguments


In your docs about OLE, you talk about "named arguments." Are these like the system variables in VBA? For instance if you open a form in MS Access, you can open it for editing using the option ACEDIT. I've tried replacing it with a numeric option, (I understand access uses zero-based subscripts) but this doesn't work either. I also made sure I had the correct number of args such as msaccess.docmd.runmacro "Macro1",,,,,). I also tried "" (for NULL string inside the commas. (to no avail.)

I've got my Winbatch to start Access and open the correct database, but I can't get it to open a form or run a macro. I'm currently using DDE to send the macro commands. I'd prefer to use winbatch for OLE since VB is a little cumbersome.

Here's a sample VB program that works...

Private Sub Form_Load()

Dim AccessDB As Object
Set AccessDB = CreateObject("Access.Application")
' Make Excel visible through the Application object
AccessDB.Application.Visible = True
AccessDB.Application.UserControl = True

AccessDB.Application.OpenCurrentDatabase ("c:\data\access\OMC Region EA.mdb")
AccessDB.DoCmd.OpenForm "Daily"
AccessDB.DoCmd.Close acForm, "Daily"
AccessDB.DoCmd.RunMacro "CSD Daily"

' Close Access with the Quit method on the Application object

' Release the object variable
Set AccessDB = Nothing

Unload Form1
End Sub
Here's my Winbatch script...
MyDB = ObjectOpen("Access.Application")
dbname = "c:\data\access\duty.mdb"
;MyDB.visible = 1
MyDB.visible = @true
MyDB.usercontrol = 1


MyDB.DoCmd.openform "Test"
myform = MyDB.Forms(0)
MyDB.DoCmd.openform myform
myform = "Test"
MyDB.DoCmd.openform myform,,,,,


message("MS Access","Close Access")

I've also tried numerous variations on the openform method (as described previously) As always, thanks for your help...


  1. There seem to be no parenthesis on your lines. WinBatch needs parenthesis around all arguments.

  2. Might also need to subdivide the OLE constructs. Try...

    Article ID:   W13664
    Filename:   OLE and Access.txt
    File Created: 1999:04:15:16:55:32
    Last Updated: 1999:04:15:16:55:32