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Ways to Get Data from and Access file without Access installed


I'm just getting started with trying to talk to an Access database from Winbatch and I'm getting confused between DAO, ADO, OLE and ODBC. I'm not sure where to start.

All I need to do is open an Access database ("dvd.mdb"), remove a record from a table ("TblDVD") where the fieldname ("Title") matches a variable I have, and then close the database.

The machine doesn't have Access installed, but it does have DAO.DBEngine.35 referenced in the registry.

I found this line in the Tech Database, but I'm not sure how to set up the supporting code:

db.execute ("delete from [table] where [field] = 'xyz'")


Since the machine doesn't have Access installed you will want to make sure MDAC is installed: To begin with try searching our tech support database for the keywords "ADO" or "DAO", you'll find lots of sample code.

You code might look something like this:

;   DAO is similar to MS Access Basic...
MDBfile = "c:\data\access\survey template.mdb"
objdao = ObjectOpen("DAO.DBEngine.35")  ;<-- you may have to change for your version
objws = objdao.CreateWorkspace("JetWorkspace", "admin", "")
objdb = objws.OpenDatabase( MDBfile )

sqlstr = ""      ;<-- create the delete SQL statement...

objdb.execute(sqlstr)                     ;<-- execute it...


Message("Debug", "End of Job")

Referenced article:

User Reply:

Thanks for the help. With minor tweaking I got this to work:
dao = objectopen("DAO.DBEngine.36")

ws = dao.CreateWorkspace("JetWorkspace", "admin", "")
db = ws.opendatabase("c:\db1.mdb")

db.execute ("delete from [table1] where [name] = 'test1'")


message("Debug", "End of Job")

My next challenge is to open the .mdb file and read the contents of a field into either an array or out to a text file that I can then easily manipulate in Winbatch. I was looking at a "SELECT * INTO..." type command, but I can't find enough information to get it to work. I need to either dump the entire contents of the field to a text file or the code to loop through each record value and copy it to an array.

Where can I get more information on the DAO object structure? I'm not having much luck at the Microsoft site. I hate having to ask these dumb questions.


Open an Access database.

Click Modules under Objects, and then click New.

In the Visual Basic Editor, click References on the Tools menu.

Scroll through the list until you find Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library, and then click to select the reference.

Click OK.

You should now be able to search the DAO object model.

Article ID:   W16601
File Created: 2014:07:18:09:51:38
Last Updated: 2014:07:18:09:51:38