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Command Line Parameter Handling

Developer: les ferch
Date:  Sunday, November 23, 2008 08:33 AM  
This is a UDS I put together to make command line parameter handling in WinBatch more convenient. With this approach, you can use vbscript style command line parameters and (hopefully) never have to write another custom command line parameter handler again.

Note that, with this approach, parameters can be on the command line in any order.

; Check for existence of a command line parameter (case insensitive)
; Parameters muse be prefixed with "/" or "-"
; Parameter data (if any) must be separated from parameter by a ":"
; Sample valid parameter formats: /a -b:Hello /c:"Hello world" -D
; Usage: ParamExist(ParamName)
; Returns: @TRUE if parameter exists, @FALSE if parameter does not exist
; Parameter data returned in global variable named "ParamData"

#DefineSubRoutine ParamExist(ParamChk)
If Param0==0 Then Return @FALSE
For iz = 1 To Param0
   Param = Param%iz%
   ParamName = StrUpper(ItemExtract(1,Param,":"))
   ParamData = ItemExtract(2,Param,":")
   If StrSub(ParamData,1,1)=='"' Then ParamData = StrSub(ParamData,2,StrCharCount(ParamData) - 2)
   If ParamName==StrUpper(ParamChk) Then Return @TRUE
   FirstChar = StrSub(Param,1,1)
   If FirstChar=="/" || FirstChar=="-"
      ParamName = StrSub(ParamName,2,-1)
      If ParamName==StrUpper(ParamChk) Then Return @TRUE
Return @FALSE

;Let's test it...

Param0 = 4
Param1 = '/a'
Param2 = '-b:Hello'
Param3 = '/c:"Hello world"'
Param4 = '-D'

If you prefer a UDF, here it is:
; Check for existence of a command line parameter (case insensitive)
; Parameters muse be prefixed with "/" or "-"
; Parameter data (if any) must be separated from parameter by a ":"
; Sample valid parameter formats: /a -b:Hello /c:"Hello world" -D
; Usage (existence): ParamExist(ParamName)
; Returns: @TRUE if parameter exists, @FALSE if parameter does not exist
; Usage (param data): ParamData(ParamName)
; Returns: Parameter data (null if no data or parameter does not exist)

#DefineFunction ParamCheck(ParamChk)
CmdLine = IntControl(1006,0,0,0,0)
MyPath = IntControl(1004,0,0,0,0)
CmdLine = StrReplace(CmdLine,'"':MyPath:'"',"")
Data = ""
If Param0==0 Then Return @FALSE:@TAB:Data
For iz = 1 To Param0
   Param = Param%iz%
   ParamName = StrUpper(ItemExtract(1,Param,":"))
   Data = ItemExtract(2,Param,":")
   If StrSub(Data,1,1)=='"' Then Data = StrSub(Data,2,StrCharCount(Data) - 2)
   If ParamName==StrUpper(ParamChk) Then Return @TRUE:@TAB:Data
   FirstChar = StrSub(Param,1,1)
   If FirstChar=="/" || FirstChar=="-"
      ParamName = StrSub(ParamName,2,-1)
      If ParamName==StrUpper(ParamChk) Then Return @TRUE:@TAB:Data
Return @FALSE:@TAB:Data

#DefineFunction ParamExist(Param)
Return ItemExtract(1,ParamCheck(Param),@TAB)

#DefineFunction ParamData(Param)
Return ItemExtract(2,ParamCheck(Param),@TAB)

; To test, run this script from a command line. Example:
; ScriptName.wbt /a -b:Hello /c:"Hello world" -D


Article ID:   W18381
Filename:   Command Line Parameter Handling.txt
File Created: 2008:11:25:12:20:42
Last Updated: 2008:11:25:12:20:42