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Set Current Process Affinity

 Keywords:  SetProcessorsAll Set Current Process Affinity GetCurrentProcess GetProcessAffinityMask SetProcessAffinityMask

; Set current process affinity to all processors.
; return - @True on success, otherwise, @False
#DefineFunction SetProcessorsAll()
   bReturn   = @FALSE
   hKernel   = DllLoad(DirWindows(1):"Kernel32.dll")
   hProcMask = BinaryAlloc(4)
   hSysMask  = BinaryAlloc(4)

   hCurrent = DllCall(hKernel, long:"GetCurrentProcess")     ; Usually -1
   While @TRUE
      If !DllCall(hKernel, long:"GetProcessAffinityMask", long:hCurrent, lpbinary:hProcMask, lpbinary:hSysMask) Then Break
      BinaryEodSet(hSysMask, 4)
      dwSysMask = BinaryPeek4(hSysMask, 0)
      bReturn   = DllCall(hKernel, long:"SetProcessAffinityMask", long:hCurrent, long:dwSysMask)


   Return bReturn

; Test
bResult = SetProcessorsAll()
Message("Affinite Set", bResult)

Article ID:   W18384
Filename:   Set Current Process Affinity.txt
File Created: 2010:02:01:10:14:46
Last Updated: 2010:02:01:10:14:46