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Current Process Parent Process id

Keywords: current processes parent process id proc procid

This script makes use of one of the Win32 Kernel API functions to obtain the current process' parent process id number. The parent process' id can then be used to get information about the parent process.
#DefineFunction udfGetMyParentProcId()

   ; Get a pseudo-handle to our own process.
   hMyProc = DllCall('KERNEL32.DLL',long:'GetCurrentProcess')

   ; Set up the input parameters for ZwQueryInformationProcess().
   nProcInfoBufSize = 6 * 4
   hProcInfoBuf = BinaryAlloc(nProcInfoBufSize)
   ProcessBasicInformation = 0
   Result = DllCall('NTDLL.DLL',long:'ZwQueryInformationProcess',long:hMyProc,long:ProcessBasicInformation,lpbinary:hProcInfoBuf,long:nProcInfoBufSize,lpnull)
   nMyProcId = BinaryPeek4(hProcInfoBuf,16)
   nMyParentProcId = BinaryPeek4(hProcInfoBuf,20)

   ; Sanity check - get our own process id by another method.
   nMyProcId2 = DllCall('KERNEL32.DLL',long:'GetCurrentProcessId')
   hProcInfoBuf = BinaryFree(hProcInfoBuf)

   Return nMyParentProcId


#DefineFunction IsMyParentAConsole()

  MyParentProcId = udfGetMyParentProcId()
  MyParentMods = tListMod(MyParentProcId,1)
  ConsoleModName = StrLower(StrCat(DirWindows(1),'CMD.EXE'))
  bResult = @FALSE
  nCount = ItemCount(MyParentMods,@TAB)
  For nIndex = 1 To nCount
    ModName = StrLower(ItemExtract(nIndex,MyParentMods,@TAB))
    If (ModName == ConsoleModName)
    bResult = @TRUE

  Return bResult


Title01 = 'Get Parent Process Id'
Result = IsMyParentAConsole()
Message(Title01,StrCat('Is my parent process a console? Result = ',Result))

Article ID:   W16732
File Created: 2013:04:01:09:21:44
Last Updated: 2013:04:01:09:21:44