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Change Desktop Background Color

 Keywords: change desktop background color rgb SetSysColors SetSysBackgroundColor

This code can be used to change the systems desktop background color with out a reboot.
; Note: Additional error handling needed

; Changes red-green-blue color specification
; to Win32 COLORREF.
; Parameters: nRed - amount of red (0 to 255)
;             nGreen - amount of green (0 to 255)
;             nBlue - abount of blue (0 to 255)
; Return: Win32 COLOREF integer
#DefineFunction RGB(nRed, nGreen, nBlue)
   Return nRed|(nGreen<<8)|(nBlue<<16)

; Changes system default background color.
; Paramener: nRGB - Win32 COLORREF
; Return: @True on success otherwise @False
#DefineFunction SetSysBackgroundColor( nRGB )

   lpaElements  = BinaryAlloc(4)
   lpaRgbValues = BinaryAlloc(4)

   cElements = 1
   BinaryPoke4(lpaElements, 0, 1)   ; 1 means desktop background color.
   BinaryPoke4(lpaRgbValues, 0, nRGB)

   bReturn = DllCall(DirWindows(1):"user32.dll",long:"SetSysColors",long:cElements,lpbinary:lpaElements,lpbinary:lpaRgbValues)

   Return bReturn

; Set windows background to grey
nRGB = RGB(208, 208, 208)
SetSysBackgroundColor( nRGB )

Display( 5, "Windows Color Change", "Going to white in 5 seconds")

; Set windows background to white
nRGB = RGB(255, 255, 255)
SetSysBackgroundColor( nRGB )

Article ID:   W18398
Filename:   Change Desktop Background Color.txt
File Created: 2009:12:11:10:24:26
Last Updated: 2009:12:11:10:24:26