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 Keywords: udfEnumDisplayDevices EnumDisplayDevices EnumDisplayDevicesA List Enumerate Display Devices Monitors

#DefineFunction udfEnumDisplayDevices()
   ; udfEnumDisplayDevices : List information about the display devices in          ;
   ;                        the current session.                                    ;
   ;                                                                                ;
   ; parm1       : NA                                                               ;
   ; returns    :  This function creates a tab delimited list of information         ;
   ;               about the display devices                                          ;
   ;                DeviceName|DeviceString|StateFlags|DeviceID|DeviceKey            ;
   ;                                                                                 ;
   ; Deana Falk                                                                      ;
   ; 2010.04.12  Initial Release                                                      ;

   ;BOOL EnumDisplayDevices(
   ;  __in   LPCTSTR lpDevice,
   ;  __in   DWORD iDevNum,
   ;  __out  PDISPLAY_DEVICE lpDisplayDevice,
   ;  __in   DWORD dwFlags

   ;typedef struct _DISPLAY_DEVICE {
   ;  DWORD cb;
   ;  TCHAR DeviceName[32];
   ;  TCHAR DeviceString[128];
   ;  DWORD StateFlags;
   ;  TCHAR DeviceID[128];
   ;  TCHAR DeviceKey[128];

   UserDll = StrCat(DirWindows(1),"USER32.DLL")
   bufsize = 424
   info = ''
   ;To query all display devices in the current session, call this function in a loop, starting with iDevNum set to 0, and incrementing iDevNum until the function fails.
   For iDevNum = 0 To 9
      PDISPLAY_DEVICE = BinaryAlloc(bufsize)
      BinaryPoke4(PDISPLAY_DEVICE, 0, bufsize)
      returnvalue = DllCall(userdll,long:"EnumDisplayDevicesA",lpnull,long:iDevNum,lpbinary:PDISPLAY_DEVICE,long:1)
      If returnvalue == 0
      cb = BinaryPeek4(PDISPLAY_DEVICE, 0 )
      BinaryEodSet( PDISPLAY_DEVICE, cb )
      devicename = BinaryPeekStr(PDISPLAY_DEVICE, 4, 32)
      devicestring = BinaryPeekStr(PDISPLAY_DEVICE, 36, 128)
      state = BinaryPeek4(PDISPLAY_DEVICE, 164 )
      deviceid = BinaryPeekStr(PDISPLAY_DEVICE, 168, 128)
      devicekey = BinaryPeekStr(PDISPLAY_DEVICE, 296, 128)
      If info == '' Then info = devicename : '|' : devicestring : '|' : state : '|' : deviceid : '|' : devicekey
      Else info = info : @TAB : devicename : '|' : devicestring : '|' : state : '|' : deviceid : '|' : devicekey
   Return info

infolist = udfEnumDisplayDevices()
AskItemlist('Display Devices', infolist, @TAB, @UNSORTED, @SINGLE )

Article ID:   W18400
Filename:   udfEnumDisplayDevices.txt
File Created: 2010:04:12:15:09:34
Last Updated: 2010:04:12:15:09:34