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GetRemoteLoggedInUser UDF

Keywords: Get Remote Logged In  logon list User

#DefineFunction udfGetRemoteLoggedInUser(computername, logonname, pswd)
   objLocator = ObjectCreate("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator")
   objService = objLocator.ConnectServer(computername,"root/cimv2",logonname,pswd)
   If objService == 0
      Message("Error","Unable to connect to server")
      objLocator = 0

   objSecurity = objService.Security_
   objSecurity.ImpersonationLevel = 3
   class =  "Win32_ComputerSystem"

   ; query instances
   query = "SELECT * FROM " : class
   colInstances = objService.ExecQuery(query)
   ForEach objInstance In colInstances
      type = ObjectTypeGet(objInstance)
      If type=="EMPTY" Then Return 0
      ; obtain properties
      username = objinstance.UserName
   objSecurity = 0
   objService = 0
   objLocator = 0

   Return username

computername =  "DELTA"
logon = "TomThumb"
pwd = "woodman"

username = udfGetRemoteLoggedInUser(computername, logon, pwd)
Message("RemoteLoggedInUser", username)

Article ID:   W16230
File Created: 2007:02:21:08:17:28
Last Updated: 2007:02:21:08:17:28