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Check Workstations for WMI Connectivity


This is a script I have been working on to test the connectivity to a workstation's WMI database. It takes a list of workstations from a file and scans them one at a time, updating a dialog box (dynamic) with the results as well as creating a text file with the results.

I have included a compiled version, the WBT version, example of the results as well as the workstations text file.

Thanks to those who helped me get it working with the dynamic dialog boxes. You were a big help.


; TITLE:    CheckBlades
; DATE:     09/07/2006
; AUTHOR:   Bradley Buskey
; Comments: Check the availability of a workstation based on whether the script can hit the
;           WMI database.
; Requires: Script requires the use of a text file with workstation IDs listed 1 per line.
; Results:  Creates a text file with the nonresponsive workstations listed.  This file is
;           overwritten each time the script is launched.  It is appened to, as long as the
;           script remains open.
; Instructions:
;  1. Create a text file (Workstations.txt) with workstation Ids listed 1 per line.
;  2. Launch the script.
;  3. Hit the 'Go' button to start the scan.
;  4. Hit 'Stop' to stop the scanning.
;  5. Hitting 'Go' after 'Stop' restarts the scan from the beginning of the list.
;  6. Hit 'Exit' to halt scanning and exit the script.
;  7. There is a results text file (Results.txt) in the same directory as the script.
Article ID:   W17327
File Created: 2019:08:14:09:34:20
Last Updated: 2019:08:14:09:34:20