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Retrieve Last Boot Time - User Logon Time - Explorer Start Time

 Keywords: Last Boot User Logon Login Explorer Start Time

Retrieve Last Boot Time, User Logon Time and Explorer Start Time using WMI.
; Name: BootTimeWMI.wbt
; Purpose: Retrieve last boot time, user logon time, and Explorer start time from WMI
; Author: Les Ferch
; 2008-10-28: Initial release

oWMI = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2")

#DefineFunction FormatDate(Date)
Y = StrSub(Date,1,4)
M = StrSub(Date,5,2)
D = StrSub(Date,7,2)
H = StrSub(Date,9,2)
I = StrSub(Date,11,2)
S = StrSub(Date,13,2)
Return StrCat(Y,":",M,":",D,":",H,":",I,":",S)

; Last Boot Time
oItems = oWMI.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_OperatingSystem")
ForEach oItem In oItems
   LastBootTime = StrSub(oItem.LastBootUpTime,1,14)
LastBootTime = FormatDate(LastBootTime)

; User Logon Time
oItems = oWMI.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_LogonSession")
ForEach oItem In oItems
   LogonType = oItem.LogonType
   If LogonType=="2" || LogonType=="10" Then UserLogonTime = StrSub(oItem.StartTime,1,14)
UserLogonTime = FormatDate(UserLogonTime)

; Explorer Start Time
oItems = oWMI.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_Process WHERE Name = 'explorer.exe'")
ForEach oItem In oItems
   ExplorerStartTime = StrSub(oItem.CreationDate,1,14)
ExplorerStartTime = FormatDate(ExplorerStartTime)


Article ID:   W18489
Filename:   Retrieve Last Boot Time - User Logon Time - Explorer Start Time .txt
File Created: 2008:10:28:08:14:36
Last Updated: 2008:10:28:08:14:36