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Read Windows Update Agent Events in the System Event Log

 Keywords: WMI Remote Read Windows Update Agent Installer Events in the System Application Event Log  EventLog

strComputer = '.' ; dot for the local computer or specify the actual remote computername
objSWbemLocator = GetObject(StrCat("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\",strComputer,"\root\cimv2"))
objEventSet = objSWbemLocator.ExecQuery("select * from Win32_NTLogEvent where Logfile='System' and SourceName='Windows Update Agent'")
count = objEventSet.Count
If count == 0
   Message("Notice","No Events")
   objEventSet = 0
   objSWbemLocator = 0

;Create an array to store all the data
;Columns = RecordNumber,Type,SourceName,Message,TimeWritten,EventCode
arrEvents = ArrDimension(count, 6 )
Column = 0
ForEach LogEvent In objEventSet

   arrEvents[column, 0] = LogEvent.RecordNumber
   arrEvents[column, 1] = LogEvent.Type
   arrEvents[column, 2] = LogEvent.SourceName
   arrEvents[column, 3] = LogEvent.Message

   DMTF_date = LogEvent.TimeWritten
   yr =  StrSub(DMTF_date,1,4)
   mnth  = StrSub(DMTF_date,5,2)
   day = StrSub(DMTF_date,7,2)
   hr = StrSub(DMTF_date,9,2)
   mins = StrSub(DMTF_date,11,2)
   secs = StrSub(DMTF_date,13,2)
   YMDHMS_date = StrCat(yr,":",mnth,":",day,":",hr,":",mins,":",secs)
   arrEvents[column, 4] = YMDHMS_date
   arrEvents[column, 5] = LogEvent.EventCode
   Column =  Column + 1
objEventSet = 0
objSWbemLocator = 0

; Write Array out to CSV file
ArrayFilePutCSV('D:\temp\appeventlog.csv', arrEvents, ',' )

Article ID:   W18488
Filename:   Read Windows Update Agent Events in the System Event Log.txt
File Created: 2010:07:13:13:28:26
Last Updated: 2010:07:13:13:28:26