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Disconnect Mapped Drives Example Dialog from User

Keywords:    disconnect drives

The following script allows disconnecting of single or multiple network drives without opening an explorer window. It checks Win32 and Novell 3.X networks for connected drives. It then calls a dialog which allows the user to select the desired drive(s) to disconnect. A more detailed description of the script operation is included as comment fields in the script body.

Word of warning, don't open the dialog with the Dialog Editor unless you save a backup copy first, as this will cause some of the dialog code to be lost.

The Main WBT:

;********* Network Drive disconnect script for Win32 and Novell 3.x Networks
;********* All disclaimers and legal mumbojumbo that are always applied to shareware/freeware
;********* apply to this chunk of code too.  Every effort was made to throughly debug this script
;********* before sending it out. However, I make ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTEE, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,
;********* as to the operation of this script.
;********* This script allows network drives to be disconnected without opening an Explorer
;********* window.  A single drive, multiple drives or all drives can be disconnected from
;********* selections made in a single dialog.	The script will not attempt to disconnect local
;********* removable, CD-Rom or hard drives.
;********* This script was written to test for Microsoft Win32 and Novell Netware 3.X network
;********* resources, since these are the networks that I work with.  You will need to change
;********* the path in the AddExtender commands to point to your Winbatch\System directory.
;********* If you use different networks, you will need to substitute the correct WIL Network
;********* Extender for your network(s) and change all commands which are specific to the
;********* corresponding WIL Network Extender(s).
;********* This script tests all drive letters (A: - Z:), to determine which type of drives are
;********* mapped.  The mapping information passed to a dialog, Ask_drv.WDL, which is called
;********* by this script.  Ask_drv.WDL was created with the Dialog Editor and then edited
;********* with Notepad, as needed.  The dialog uses 26 checkbox controls to allow selection
;********* of drives to be disconnected.  A string variable is used in the text field of these
;********* controls.  The strings are passed to the dialog through 26 variables, UNC0 - UNC25,
;********* created during the first loop of this script.  If a drive is mapped to a network
;********* resource, the UNC name will be stored in the corresponding UNCx variable.  If not a
;********* network resource, the variable will contain the appropriate drive type, depending on the
;********* mapping test result.	 The dialog returns 26 variables (A - Z), which contain the values
;********* returned by the checkbox controls.  The returned values are used by this script to
;********* determine if a given drive has been selected for disconnect.
;*********				********!!! WARNING !!!********	 
;********* If you want to edit the Ask_drv.WDL script, use Notepad.  If you want to use Dialog Editor
;********* to open the dialog, SAVE A BACKUP COPY OF THE DIALOG FIRST !	 If the script is opened
;********* and then saved with Dialog Editor, the references to variables UNC0 - UNC25 will be lost.
;********* The dialog will still execute if this happens, but the checkboxes will no longer display
;********* any information about drive mapping.	 This makes the dialog pretty useless, unless you
;********* have committed all of your drive mapping to memory. 
;********* A list named Type is also created during the first loop of this script.  Type contains
;********* 26 items, each an ASCII value for an integer, which indicates the type of resource
;********* mapped to each drive.  Later in the script, these values are converted to integers and 
;********* used to determine whether to skip or disconnect selected drives.
;********* The following are values which may be found in Type, and their meanings:
;********* 1 = unmapped/unidentified, 2 = Removable Media drive, 3 = Hard Drive, 4 = CDRom Drive,
;********* 5 = RamDisk, 6 = Win32 Network resource, 7 = Netware resource.
;********* Note that drive disconnects are forced, ignoring the state of any open files on drives
;********* that are selected for disconnect.
;********* Attention 16 bit WIL users
;********* This script was produced with the 32 bit version of WIL.  It uses the 32 bit network extenders
;********* and some (or all ?) of the commands may not work with 16 bit WIL.  Sorry I can't give any more
;********* help than this, but I have never worked with the 16 bit version.

AddExtender("E:\winbatch\system\WWN3Z34I.DLL")		; WIL extender for Netware 3.x
AddExtender("E:\winbatch\system\WWW9534I.DLL")		; WIL extender for Win32 network
;Stick these DLLs in the windows directory for Netware 3.X support - nwcalls.dll, wwn3z16i.dll

Display (6,"Network Disconnect","All windows will minimize during this execution.%@CRLF%They will be maximized at completion.")

;************ Minimize open windows
	reopen = ""
	windows = WinItemize()								;get list of windows
	cnt = ItemCount(windows, @TAB)
	for c = 1 to cnt
	current = ItemExtract(c, windows, @TAB)						;get windows name
	if WinState(current) == @HIDDEN || WinState(current) == @ICON then continue	;if window is hidden or icon, skip
	reopen = ItemInsert(current, -1, reopen, @TAB)					;store name in list to reopen later
	WinIconize(current)								;minimize window

remv = DiskScan (1)					;check for removable drives
hard = DiskScan (2)					;check for hard drives
netw = DiskScan (4)					;check for network drives
cdrom = DiskScan (8)					;check for CDRom drives
ramdk = DiskScan (16)					;check for RamDisks

rem = ItemCount (remv, @TAB)
hrd = ItemCount (hard, @TAB)
cdr = ItemCount (cdrom, @TAB)
ram = ItemCount (ramdk, @TAB)

Type = ""

;************  Determine drive mapping and assign "drive type" values

BoxOpen ("Disconnect Drives","Checking drive mapping")

for d = 0 to 25							;loop to check for existing drives

	drive = StrCat( num2char( char2num("A") + d ), ":" )
	BoxText("Drive %drive%")
	if DiskExist("%drive%") == @TRUE then goto locltst	;jump if drive exists
	Type = ItemInsert(Num2Char(1), -1, Type, @TAB)		;log as unmapped drive


	if rem==0 && hrd==0 && cdr==0 && ram==0 then goto nettst	;jump if all local drives accounted for

		if rem == 0 then goto hrdtst				;jump if no removable drives left

			if ItemExtract(1, remv, @TAB) != drive then goto hrdtst		;check if drive is in removable list
			Type = ItemInsert(Num2Char(2), -1, Type, @TAB)		;log drive as "Type 2"
			remv = ItemRemove(1, remv, @TAB)			;delete item
			rem = rem - 1						;update count

		if hrd == 0 then goto cdrtst				;jump if no Hard drives left

			if ItemExtract(1, hard, @TAB) != drive then goto cdrtst		;check if drive is in Hard drive list
			Type = ItemInsert(Num2Char(3), -1, Type, @TAB)		;log drive as "Type 3"
			hard = ItemRemove(1, hard, @TAB)			;delete item
			hrd = hrd - 1						;update count

		if cdr == 0 then goto ramtst				;jump if no CD-Rom drives left

			if ItemExtract(1, cdrom, @TAB) != drive then goto ramtst	;check if drive is in CD-Rom list
			Type = ItemInsert(Num2Char(4), -1, Type, @TAB)		;log drive as "Type 4"
			cdrom = ItemRemove(1, cdrom, @TAB)			;delete item
			cdr = cdr - 1						;update count

		if ram == 0 then goto nettst				;jump if no RamDisks left

			if ItemExtract(1, ramdk, @TAB) != drive then goto nettst	;check if drive is in RamDisk list
			UNC%d%= "RAMDISK"
			Type = ItemInsert(Num2Char(5), -1, Type, @TAB)		;log drive as "Type 5"
			ramdk = ItemRemove(1, ramdk, @TAB)			;delete item
			ram = ram - 1						;update count


	if ItemExtract(1, netw, @TAB) == drive then goto getnet		;if drive is in network drive list, test
	gosub error

	netw = ItemRemove(1, netw, @TAB)			;delete item
	if n3DriveStatus("%drive%") == 23 then goto Nvl		;test if drive is Novell resource

	UNC%d% = w95GetCon("%drive%")				;store UNC name
	Type = ItemInsert(Num2Char(6), -1, Type, @TAB)		;log drive as "Type 6"

	UNC%d% = n3DrivePath("%drive%")				;store UNC name
	Type = ItemInsert(Num2Char(7), -1, Type, @TAB)		;log drive as "Type 7"

BoxShut ()

;************  Call dialog and disconnect selected drives

Call ("Ask_drv.WDL","")						;call disconnect dialog

BoxOpen ("Disconnect Drives","Working, Please Wait")

for d = 0 to 25
	BoxText ("Working, Please Wait  ---")

	chkbox = Num2Char( Char2Num("A") + d)			;returned dialog checkbox variable name

	if ButtonPushed == 2 then goto all			;test for disconnect or disconnect all

	if %chkbox% != 1 then continue				;if dialog checkbox not selected, next loop

	drive = StrCat(chkbox, ":" )
	TypeI = Char2Num( ItemExtract( d+1, Type, @TAB))	;get "drive type" integer

	BoxText ("Working, Please Wait   |")
	Switch TypeI

		Case 1					;Unmapped drive, skip

		Case 2					;local Removable media drive, skip

		Case 3					;local hard drive, skip

		Case 4					;local CD-Rom drive, skip

		Case 5					;RamDisk, skip

		Case 6						;Win32 Network resource
		Discon = w95CancelCon("%drive%",@false,@true)	;attempt disconnect
		if Discon == @FALSE then gosub Fail		;call sub if disconnect failed

		Case 7						;Novell Netware resource
		Discon = n3MapDelete("%drive%")			;attempt disconnect
		if Discon == @FALSE then gosub Fail		;call sub if disconnect failed



BoxShut ()

;************ Maximize windows which were minimized at start

cnt=ItemCount(reopen, @tab)
for c = cnt to 1 by -1
current = ItemExtract(c, reopen, @TAB)
WinShow ("%current%")

;***************  SUBROUTINES

:error										;Unidentfied drive logging and message
BoxShut ()
Type = ItemInsert(Num2Char(1), -1, Type, @TAB)					;log unidentified drive
Message ("Disconnect Drives","FAILURE - Could not identify Drive %drive%")
BoxOpen ("Disconnect Drives","Working, Please Wait  ---")

:Fail										;Disconnect failure message
BoxShut ()
Message ("Disconnect Drives","FAILURE - Could not disconnect Drive %drive%")
BoxOpen ("Disconnect Drives","Working, Please Wait  ---")

The Dialog part (Ask_drv.WDL):


DisconCaption=`Disconnect Drives`


Discon03=`6,56,150,DEFAULT,CHECKBOX,A,"A: = %UNC0%",1`
Discon04=`6,70,150,DEFAULT,CHECKBOX,B,"B: = %UNC1%",1`
Discon05=`6,84,150,DEFAULT,CHECKBOX,C,"C: = %UNC2%",1`
Discon06=`6,98,150,DEFAULT,CHECKBOX,D,"D: = %UNC3%",1`
Discon07=`6,112,150,DEFAULT,CHECKBOX,E,"E: = %UNC4%",1`
Discon08=`6,126,150,DEFAULT,CHECKBOX,F,"F: = %UNC5%",1`
Discon09=`6,140,150,DEFAULT,CHECKBOX,G,"G: = %UNC6%",1`
Discon10=`6,154,150,DEFAULT,CHECKBOX,H,"H: = %UNC7%",1`
Discon11=`6,168,150,DEFAULT,CHECKBOX,I,"I: = %UNC8%",1`
Discon12=`6,182,150,DEFAULT,CHECKBOX,J,"J: = %UNC9%",1`
Discon13=`6,196,150,DEFAULT,CHECKBOX,K,"K: = %UNC10%",1`
Discon14=`6,210,150,DEFAULT,CHECKBOX,L,"L: = %UNC11%",1`
Discon15=`6,224,150,DEFAULT,CHECKBOX,M,"M: = %UNC12%",1`
Discon16=`184,56,150,DEFAULT,CHECKBOX,N,"N: = %UNC13%",1`
Discon17=`184,70,150,DEFAULT,CHECKBOX,O,"O: = %UNC14%",1`
Discon18=`184,84,150,DEFAULT,CHECKBOX,P,"P: = %UNC15%",1`
Discon19=`184,98,150,DEFAULT,CHECKBOX,Q,"Q: = %UNC16%",1`
Discon20=`184,112,150,DEFAULT,CHECKBOX,R,"R: = %UNC17%",1`
Discon21=`184,126,150,DEFAULT,CHECKBOX,S,"S: = %UNC18%",1`
Discon22=`184,140,150,DEFAULT,CHECKBOX,T,"T: = %UNC19%",1`
Discon23=`184,154,150,DEFAULT,CHECKBOX,U,"U: = %UNC20%",1`
Discon24=`184,168,150,DEFAULT,CHECKBOX,V,"V: = %UNC21%",1`
Discon25=`184,182,150,DEFAULT,CHECKBOX,W,"W: = %UNC22%",1`
Discon26=`184,196,150,DEFAULT,CHECKBOX,X,"X: = %UNC23%",1`
Discon27=`184,210,150,DEFAULT,CHECKBOX,Y,"Y: = %UNC24%",1`
Discon28=`184,224,150,DEFAULT,CHECKBOX,Z,"Z: = %UNC25%",1`

Discon29=`104,2,124,DEFAULT,STATICTEXT,DEFAULT,"Select one or more drives then click DISCONNECT."`
Discon30=`104,18,124,DEFAULT,STATICTEXT,DEFAULT,"DISCONNECT ALL will delete all network mapping."`
Discon31=`104,34,118,DEFAULT,STATICTEXT,DEFAULT,"Note - Only network resources will be unmapped"`


Article ID:   W13478
Filename:   Disconnect Mapped Drives Ex Dialog.txt
File Created: 2001:03:01:13:25:34
Last Updated: 2001:03:01:13:25:34