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Keywords: 	 RASSAPI MSVCRT DLL not Found


Using WinBatch+Compiler 98C, a standalone EXE was compiled with Windows NT network extender, then attached to an E-mail message which was sent to Microsoft Exchange within Citrix WinDD environment. Upon double-clicking the script icon, a sequence of three message windows are displayed as follows:

Title: utility.exe - Unable to Locate DLL Message: The dynamic link library RASSAPI.dll could not be found in the specified path C:\...;C:\...;C:\...

Title: WIL Extender load error Message: Extender DLL could not be loaded. It requires one or more dependent DLL's, which are invalid or unavailable. If you are loading a network extender, make sure you have the appropriate network client software installed.

Title: 3437: AddExtender: Extender DLL load failed [make sure 16/32-bit type matches] Message: AddExtender("WWWNT34I.DLL")

I have contacted our Windows NT support group, but they currently have higher priorities. Is this simply a matter of Remote Access Service (RAS) client software which must be copied into a directory on the computer's PATH?



I would start with copying the RASSAPI.DLL over there and see if the situation improves.

To our knowledge it is a standard part of the NT 4.0 install. It is unclear why your users might not have it. If you could shed some more light on the situation. Is it not installed with Citrix? Was it deleted to save disk space? Was it deleted since none of those users are likely to need RAS services? Are you running NT 3.51? Are the users running NT at all? Or Windows 95/98?

Question (cont'd):

This morning, I did copy RASSAPI.DLL from another NT client machine. Upon running the script, it then complained that MSVCRT.DLL could not be found. I did find that file, however, within a directory not on the PATH. So, I just copied it to an appropriate directory, then the script ran to successful completion......hurray!

When I talk to our Windows NT support group, I'll probably get answers to your questions about why these dynamic link libraries were missing. Eventually, I plan to distribute the fully developed script to many users with presumably the same configuration as my machine. So, I will need to plan accordingly.

Related Question:

I am trying to use Winbatch on Citrix WinFrame 1.7. I was using WinBatch 98A and when I upgraded to 98E I started getting the reported error message. It seems that RASSAPI.DLL is not installed with Citrix WinFrame which is based on Windows NT 3.51. I did a wildcard search the WinFrame distribution CD for RAS*.* and did not find it. There are RASAPI32 and many other files that start with RAS, but no RASSAPI.

How can I get this new version to work on WinFrame 1.7 or Windows NT 3.51.


I heard that people just copy over a copy of the DLL and it works fine. Scout around a few standard machines and find a copy.


I copied RASSAPI.DLL to my WinFrame 1.7 server from a Windows NT 4.0 server. It works.
Article ID:   W13492
Filename:   RASSAPI.dll not Found.txt
File Created: 2001:03:01:13:42:46
Last Updated: 2001:03:01:13:42:46