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Workaround for "510: The network is not present" Error

Keywords:    error 510 error


I'm seeking a workaround for the 510 error which occurs if the client is not logged into the network. I've tried a few variations of err=LastError(0) without success because WinBatch considers the 510 error FATAL and shuts down before the error trap can work. In good old BASIC the syntax OnErrorGoto (or equiv.) was nifty. Is there an equivalent here? How can I detect negative connectivity to a network without winbatch choking??


I quick glance at a couple of w95 computers running as Primary Login "Microsoft Network" shows that the registry setting @REGMACHINE, Network\Logon[LMLogon] is equal to 01,00,00,00 if you are logged in and 00,00,00,00 if you are not. Netware and Banyan logins have their own registry settings that show logged in status (they also have the dos WHOAMI call which tells you if logged in or not).

Check the computers in your environment and check the above registry setting in both cases, whether logged in or not. This may tell you in your specific case whether your users are logged in or not before they get a dreaded 510 error.

Article ID:   W13505
Filename:   Workaround for Network Error 510.txt
File Created: 1999:04:15:16:54:28
Last Updated: 1999:04:15:16:54:28