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DllCall Rich Edit Control

 Keywords:  DllCall Rich Edit Control Dialog

;REdCreate : Creates a Rich Edit control (RTF Edit Control).                                                                              ;
;v1.0 by ....IFICantBYTE Nov 2004                                                                                                         ;
;x      : pixels from left                                                                                                                ;
;y      : pixels from top                                                                                                                 ;
;w      : width in pixels                                                                                                                 ;
;h      : height in pixels                                                                                                                ;
;style  : style flags , see API constants                                                                                                 ;
;handle : dialog handle returned by the dialog procedure                                                                                  ;
;Returns: Control's handle if succesful , 0 otherwise                                                                                     ;
;API EXStyle : WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE  = 512                                                                                                    ;
;    Style   : WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE = 1073741824|268435456                                                                                 ;
#DefineFunction REdCreate(x,y,w,h,style,handle)
Edstyle = 1073741824|268435456|style
DllLoad(riched32) ; Load dll containing RichEdit Functions into memory (if not already)
Return DllCall(user32,long:"CreateWindowExA",long:0,lpstr:"RichEdit20A",long:0,long:Edstyle,long:x,long:y,long:w,long:h,long:handle,long:311,long:hinst,long:0)

;REdSetAutoURL : Enables or Disables automatic detection of URLs in a Rich Edit control.                                                  ;
;                eg: will detect strings beginning with:  www. http: file: mailto: ftp: https: gopher: nntp: telnet: news: \\   and more. ;
;v1.0 by ....IFICantBYTE Nov 2004                                                                                                         ;
;hREd  : RichEdit control handle                                                                                                          ;
;OffOn : TRUE (1) to enable automatic URL detection or FALSE (0) to disable it.                                                           ;
;Returns : FALSE (0) if the setting was SUCCESSFUL                                                                                        ;
;          If it returns a NON-ZERO value then it FAILED for some reason.                                                                 ;
;                                                                                                                                         ;
;   NOTE : When it detects a URL, the control sets the CFE_LINK effect bit for all characters in the URL string. The control highlights   ;
;          the URL string by underlining it and setting the text color. (The cursor or mouse pointer changes too)                         ;
;          A Rich Edit control sends the EN_LINK notification when it receives various messages while the mouse pointer is over text that ;
;          has the CFE_LINK effect. Unfortunatly WinBatch (at this time) can't natively process this notification - perhaps Extender DLL? ;
#DefineFunction REdSetAutoURL(hREd,OffOn)
WM_USER = 1024
Return DllCall(user32,long:"SendMessageA",long:hREd,long:EM_AUTOURLDETECT,long:OffOn,long:0)

;REdGetOLEInterface : Retrieves an IRichEditOle object to access a Rch Edit control's Component Object Model (COM) functionality.         ;
;v1.0 by ....IFICantBYTE Nov 2004                                                                                                         ;
;hREd  : RichEdit control handle                                                                                                          ;
;OffOn : TRUE (1) to enable automatic URL detection or FALSE (0) to disable it.                                                           ;
;Returns : A NONZERO value if successful - use this as the OLE (COM) top object. OR if it fails, it will return FALSE (0)                 ;
;                                                                                                                                         ;
;   NOTE : When it detects a URL, the control sets the CFE_LINK effect bit for all characters in the URL string. The control highlights   ;
;          the URL string by underlining it and setting the text color. (The cursor or mouse pointer changes too)                         ;
;          A Rich Edit control sends the EN_LINK notification when it receives various messages while the mouse pointer is over text that ;
;          has the CFE_LINK effect. Unfortunatly WinBatch (at this time) can't natively process this notification - perhaps Extender DLL? ;
#DefineFunction REdGetOLEInterface(hREd)
WM_USER = 1024
OLEpointer = BinaryAlloc(32)
Message("non zero?",DllCall(user32,long:"SendMessageA",long:hREd,long:EM_GETOLEINTERFACE,long:0,lpbinary:OLEpointer))
Ret = BinaryPeek4(OLEpointer,0)
Mon = xBaseConvert(Ret, 10, 16)
;    ;Mon = BinaryPeekHex(hRed,0,BinaryEODGet(hRed))
 Message("OLE?  How!!!!",ObjectGet(Ret))

 ;perhaps need an existing ole/com interface to connect to?
;ItextDocumet - TOM model - look at objects in doc
;Retint = IntControl (42, OLEpointer, 0, 0, 0)


Return Ret

;REdSetBKGNDColor : Sets the background colour in a Rich Edit control.                                                                    ;
;v1.0 by ....IFICantBYTE Nov 2004                                                                                                         ;
;hREd : RichEdit control handle                                                                                                           ;
;RGB  : "RED|GREEN|BLUE" value (use 0 to 255 for each seperated by | as a text string - ie: in quotes) eg: "255|0|128"                    ;
;       To use the same colour as the background of your WinBatch dynamic dialog, call this UDF in the following way:                     ;
;       REdSetBKGNDColor(hREd,DialogProcOptions(handle,1001,-1))                                                                          ;
;       Or use "SYSTEM" to use the window background system colour (usually white on most systems).                                       ;                                                                       ;
;Returns : The original background color.                                                                                                 ;
#DefineFunction REdSetBKGNDColor(hREd,RGB)
WM_USER = 1024
If StrUpper(RGB) == "SYSTEM"
   SysColFlag = 1 ; Use the window background system colour.
                  ; (This is the Default System colour on your PC for Edit controls, NOT the WinBatch Dialog Colour).
   Colour = 0
SysColFlag = 0
   If ItemCount(RGB,"|") == 3
   r = ItemExtract(1,RGB,"|")
   g = ItemExtract(2,RGB,"|")
   b = ItemExtract(3,RGB,"|")
   Colour = b*256*256 + g*256 + r
   Colour = DllCall(user32,long:"GetSysColor",long:15) ; Gets the system colour used by the dialog when "DEFAULT" is used as the colour
Return DllCall(user32,long:"SendMessageA",long:hREd,long:EM_SETBKGNDCOLOR,long:SysColFlag,long:Colour)

;REdSetEventMask : Sets the event mask for a rich edit control.                                                                           ;
;                  The event mask specifies which notification messages the control sends to its parent window.                           ;
;v1.0 by ....IFICantBYTE Nov 2004                                                                                                         ;
;hREd      : RichEdit control handle                                                                                                      ;
;EventMask : New event mask for the rich edit control. OR values together for multiple eg: ENM_LINK|ENM_CHANGE                            ;
;     NOTE : The default event mask (before any is set) is ENM_NONE = 0 ie: no notification messages sent.                                ;
;            Some common values in decimal are:                                                                                           ;
;            ENM_CHANGE As Long = 1                                                                                                       ;
;            ENM_CORRECTTEXT As Long = 4194304                                                                                            ;
;            ENM_DRAGDROPDONE As Long = 16                                                                                                ;
;            ENM_DROPFILES As Long = 1048576                                                                                              ;
;            ENM_KEYEVENTS As Long = 65536                                                                                                ;
;            ENM_LINK As Long = 67108864                                                                                                  ;
;            ENM_MOUSEEVENTS As Long = 131072                                                                                             ;
;            ENM_NONE As Long = 0                                                                                                         ;
;            ENM_OBJECTPOSITIONS As Long = 33554432                                                                                       ;
;            ENM_PROTECTED As Long = 2097152                                                                                              ;
;            ENM_REQUESTRESIZE As Long = 262144                                                                                           ;
;            ENM_SCROLL As Long = 4                                                                                                       ;
;            ENM_SCROLLEVENTS As Long = 8                                                                                                 ;
;            ENM_SELCHANGE As Long = 524288                                                                                               ;
;Returns : The previous event mask.                                                                                                       ;
;          If it returns a NON-ZERO value then it FAILED for some reason.                                                                 ;
;   NOTE : The default event mask (before any is set) is ENM_NONE.                                                                        ;
;          Unfortunatly WinBatch (at this time) can't natively process the notifications sent by the RichEdit control, but perhaps an     ;
;          Extender DLL or a later version of WinBatch might be able to?                                                                  ;
#DefineFunction REdSetEventMask(hREd,EventMask)
WM_USER = 1024
Return DllCall(user32,long:"SendMessageA",long:hREd,long:EM_SETEVENTMASK,long:0,long:EventMask)

;EdCreate : Creates a Edit control.                                                                                                       ;
;by IFICantBYTE September 2003                                                                                                            ;
;x      : pixels from left                                                                                                                ;
;y      : pixels from top                                                                                                                 ;
;w      : width in pixels                                                                                                                 ;
;h      : height in pixels                                                                                                                ;
;style  : style flags , see API constants                                                                                                 ;
;handle : dialog handle returned by the dialog procedure                                                                                  ;
;Returns: Edit handle if succesful , 0 otherwise                                                                                          ;
;API EXStyle : WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE  = 512                                                                                                    ;
;    Style   : WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE = 1073741824|268435456                                                                                 ;
#DefineFunction EdCreate(x,y,w,h,style,handle)
Edstyle = 1073741824|268435456|style
Return DllCall(user32,long:"CreateWindowExA",long:512,lpstr:"Edit",lpstr:"",long:Edstyle,long:x,long:y,long:w,long:h,long:handle,long:0,long:hinst,long:0)

;EdSetText : Sets Text in an Edit control                                   ;
;by IFICantBYTE September 2003                                              ;
;hEd      : Edit control handle                                             ;
;Text     : Text to insert in the Edit control                              ;
;Returns  : The return value is TRUE if the text is set.                    ;
;           It is FALSE if insufficient space is available to set the text. ;
#DefineFunction EdSetText(hEd,Text)
ret = DllCall(user32,long:"SendMessageA",long:hEd,long:WM_SETTEXT,long:0,lpstr:Text)
Return ret

;EdGetText : Returns the Text in an Edit control                            ;
;by IFICantBYTE September 2003                                              ;
;hEd  : Edit control handle                                                 ;
;Returns  : The text from the Edit control.                                 ;
#DefineFunction EdGetText(hEd)
bufsize = 10000 ; you can make this value bigger if your text is very long.
TextBuf=BinaryAlloc(bufsize + 1)
TextStrLen = DllCall(user32,long:"SendMessageA",long:hEd,long:WM_GETTEXT,long:bufsize,lpbinary:TextBuf) ; this fills the TextBuffer we made and returns the string length (though not actually used by us here)
BinaryEodSet(TextBuf,bufsize + 1)
Return EdText

;TEST DIALOG for EdControl                                                     ;
#DefineSubRoutine dlgproc(handle,msg,id,p4,p5)
Select msg
  Case 0 ;Initialize Winbatch dialog, enable various call-back events, then create our Edit Control

    DialogProcOptions(handle,2,1) ;enable BUTTONS

    ;========= Create Rich Edit Control ==========
    ;WS (General Window Styles constants)
    WS_SIZEBOX = 262144 ; Use if you want to be able to resize a window with the mouse after it is created
    WS_CAPTION = 12582912 ; Use if you want the Window to have a Caption (this could be used as a drag handle and/or to display text)
    WS_HSCROLL = 1048576 ; Use if you want to give the window a Horizontal Scroll Control
    WS_VSCROLL = 2097152 ; Use if you want to give the window a Vertical Scroll Control
    ;ES (Edit Control Style Constants) - There are many more and some are applicable to both standard Edit and Rich Edit controls - some are for Rich Edit only
    ES_MULTILINE = 4 ; Defines the Edit Control as having more than one line.
    ES_AUTOVSCROLL = 64 ; Automatically scrolls the text vertically into view based on the current cursor position
    ES_AUTOHSCROLL = 128 ; Automatically scrolls the text horizontally into view based on the current cursor position
    ES_READONLY = 2048 ; Use this style if you don't want people to be able to edit the displayed text (this style can also be toggled later by an explicit Message function)
    ES_WANTRETURN = 4096 ; Edit control expects a 'Return' or 'Enter' at the end of each line and so it does not treat the return key as an 'OK' signal.


    Text2Add = StrCat("Hello there.",@CRLF,"This is a Rich Edit Control with scroll bars.",@CRLF,"This is a new line that is longer than the visible area, so we should then get an active horizontal scroll bar to read it!")
    Text2Add = StrCat(Text2Add,@CRLF,"This is a URL link that should be detected automatically:")
    Text2Add = StrCat(Text2Add,@CRLF,"")
    For NewLine = 1 To 20
    Text2Add = StrCat(Text2Add,@CRLF,"Another Line ",NewLine)
    Next NewLine
    EnteredText = EdSetText(hREd,Text2Add)

  Case 2 ;Button pushed

     Select id
        Case 1
         Message("Returned Edit Box Text",EdGetText(hREd))
         Message("Returned OLE interface Pointer - How to use???!!!",REdGetOLEInterface(hREd))
     Return -2

Return -1

MyDialogCaption=`WIL Dialog 1`

MyDialog001=`005,249,054,012,PUSHBUTTON,DEFAULT,"Return Test Stuff",1,1,32,DEFAULT,DEFAULT,DEFAULT`



Article ID:   W17779
Filename:   DllCall Rich Edit Control.txt
File Created: 2009:09:22:08:04:58
Last Updated: 2009:09:22:08:04:58