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Resize Dialog Toolbar with Buttonpush

;SetWindowPos : Changes the size, position, and Z order of a window                                                                       ;
;               Child, pop-up, and top-level windows are ordered according to their appearance on the screen.                             ;
;               The topmost window receives the highest rank and is the first window in the Z order.                                      ;
;v1.1 by IFICantBYTE (2004)                                                                                                               ;
;hWnd            : Window handle                                                                                                          ;
;hWndInsertAfter : Handle to the window to precede the positioned window in the Z order.                                                  ;
;                  This parameter must be a window handle or one of the following values:                                                 ;
;                  HWND_BOTTOM = 1     Places the window at the bottom of the Z order. If the hWnd parameter identifies a topmost window, ;
;                                      the window loses its topmost status and is placed at the bottom of all other windows.              ;
;                  HWND_NOTOPMOST = -2 Places the window above all non-topmost windows (that is, behind all topmost windows).             ;
;                                      This flag has no effect if the window is already a non-topmost window.                             ;
;                  HWND_TOP = 0        Places the window at the top of the Z order.                                                       ;
;                  HWND_TOPMOST = -1   Places the window above all non-topmost windows. The window maintains its topmost position         ;
;                                      even when it is deactivated.                                                                       ;
;           NOTE : For more information about how this parameter is used, see the following Remarks section.                              ;
;X               : Specifies the new position of the left side of the window, in client coordinates.                                      ;
;Y               : Specifies the new position of the top of the window, in client coordinates.                                            ;
;cx              : Specifies the new width of the window, in pixels.                                                                      ;
;cy              : Specifies the new height of the window, in pixels.                                                                     ;
;uFlags          : Window sizing and positioning flags. This parameter can be a combination of the following values:                      ;
;                  SWP_ASYNCWINDOWPOS = 16384    If the calling thread and the thread that owns the window are attached to different      ;
;                                                input queues, the system posts the request to the thread that owns the window. This      ;
;                                                prevents the calling thread from blocking its execution while other threads process the  ;
;                                                request.                                                                                 ;
;                  SWP_DEFERERASE = 8192         Prevents generation of the WM_SYNCPAINT message.                                         ;
;                  SWP_DRAWFRAME = 32            Draws a frame (defined in the window's class description) around the window.             ;
;                  SWP_FRAMECHANGED = 32         (Same value as above) Applies new frame styles set using the SetWindowLong function.     ;
;                                                Sends a WM_NCCALCSIZE message to the window, even if the window's size is not being      ;
;                                                changed. If this flag is not specified, WM_NCCALCSIZE is sent only when the window's     ;
;                                                size is being changed.                                                                   ;
;                  SWP_HIDEWINDOW = 128          Hides the window.                                                                        ;
;                  SWP_NOACTIVATE = 16           Does not activate the window. If this flag is not set, the window is activated and       ;
;                                                moved to the top of either the topmost or non-topmost group (depending on the setting of ;
;                                                the hWndInsertAfter parameter).                                                          ;
;                  SWP_NOCOPYBITS = 256          Discards the entire contents of the client area. If this flag is not specified, the      ;
;                                                valid contents of the client area are saved and copied back into the client area after   ;
;                                                the window is sized or repositioned.                                                     ;
;                  SWP_NOMOVE = 2                Retains the current position (ignores X and Y parameters).                               ;
;                  SWP_NOOWNERZORDER = 512       Does not change the owner window's position in the Z order.                              ;
;                  SWP_NOREPOSITION = 512        (Same value as above) Same as the SWP_NOOWNERZORDER flag.                                ;
;                  SWP_NOREDRAW = 8              Does not redraw changes. If this flag is set, no repainting of any kind occurs. This     ;
;                                                applies to the client area, the nonclient area (including the title bar and scroll bars) ;
;                                                and any part of the parent window uncovered as a result of the window being moved. When  ;
;                                                this flag is set, the application must explicitly invalidate or redraw any parts of the  ;
;                                                window and parent window that need redrawing.                                            ;
;                  SWP_NOSENDCHANGING = 1024     Prevents the window from receiving the WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING message.                     ;
;                  SWP_NOSIZE = 1                Retains the current size (ignores the cx and cy parameters).                             ;
;                  SWP_NOZORDER = 4              Retains the current Z order (ignores the hWndInsertAfter parameter).                     ;
;                  SWP_SHOWWINDOW = 64           Displays the window.                                                                     ;
;                                                                                                                                         ;
;        Remarks : If the SWP_SHOWWINDOW or SWP_HIDEWINDOW flag is set, the window cannot be moved or sized.                              ;
;                  If you have changed certain window data using SetWindowLong, you must call SetWindowPos to have the changes take       ;
;                  effect. Use the following combination for uFlags: SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_FRAMECHANGED.           ;
;                  A window can be made a topmost window either by setting the hWndInsertAfter parameter to HWND_TOPMOST and ensuring     ;
;                  that the SWP_NOZORDER flag is not set, or by setting a window's position in the Z order so that it is above any        ;
;                  existing topmost windows. When a non-topmost window is made topmost, its owned windows are also made topmost. Its      ;
;                  owners, however, are not changed.                                                                                      ;
;                  If neither the SWP_NOACTIVATE nor SWP_NOZORDER flag is specified (that is, when the application requests that a window ;
;                  be simultaneously activated and its position in the Z order changed), the value specified in hWndInsertAfter is used   ;
;                  only in the following circumstances:                                                                                   ;
;                                                      Neither the HWND_TOPMOST nor HWND_NOTOPMOST flag is specified in hWndInsertAfter.  ;
;                                                      The window identified by hWnd is not the active window.                            ;
;                  An application cannot activate an inactive window without also bringing it to the top of the Z order.                  ;
;                  Applications can change an activated window's position in the Z order without restrictions, or it can activate a       ;
;                  window and then move it to the top of the topmost or non-topmost windows.                                              ;
;                  If a topmost window is repositioned to the bottom (HWND_BOTTOM) of the Z order or after any non-topmost window, it is  ;
;                  no longer topmost.                                                                                                     ;
;                  When a topmost window is made non-topmost, its owners and its owned windows are also made non-topmost windows.         ;
;                  A non-topmost window can own a topmost window, but the reverse cannot occur. Any window (for example, a dialog box)    ;
;                  owned by a topmost window is itself made a topmost window, to ensure that all owned windows stay above their owner.    ;
;                  If an application is not in the foreground, and should be in the foreground, it must call the SetForegroundWindow      ;
;                  function.                                                                                                              ;
;                  To use SetWindowPos to bring a window to the top, the process that owns the window must have SetForegroundWindow       ;
;                  permission.                                                                                                            ;
;                                                                                                                                         ;
;Returns         : If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the function fails, the return value is zero.                ;
#DefineFunction SetWindowPos(hWnd,hWndInsertAfter,X,Y,cx,cy,uFlags)
Return DllCall(user32,long:"SetWindowPos",long:hWnd,long:hWndInsertAfter,long:X,long:Y,long:cx,long:cy,long:uFlags) 

;GetWindowRect : Retrieves the dimensions of the bounding rectangle of a specified window and Returns them in a delimited string.         ;
;                The dimensions are given in screen coordinates (Window's pixels) that are relative to the upper-left corner of the       ;
;                second window handle specified.                                                                                          ;
;v1.1 by IFICantBYTE (2004)                                                                                                               ;
;hWindow1 : Window handle we want to get the relative coordinates for (Usually a Child Window - but not always)                           ;
;hWindow2 : Window handle we want the returned coordinates to be relative to (Usually the Parent window - but again, doesn't have to be)  ;
;    NOTE : Passing the same window handle for both - ie: comparing it to itself will basically return the size of the window.            ;
;delim    : The delimiter you want to use between the Returned X and Y values - eg: "," or @TAB or @CRLF or " " (space)                   ;
;Returns : Returns a delimited string containing the rectangular coordinates (in Windows' pixels - not Winbatch's 1K units) for hWindow1  ;
;          relative to the Window specified by the handle hWindow2.                                                                       ;
;   NOTE : 0 0 is top Left corner. Values can go into negatives and the window specified does not have to be the topmost, active or       ;
;          focused. This will not Return correct results with a mirrored Window using a Right to Left ExStyle                             ;
#DefineFunction GetWindowRect(hWindow1,hWindow2,delim)
User32 = DllLoad(StrCat(DirWindows(1),"user32.dll"))
   ;--- Make RECT structure --- will contain the top-left and bottom-right coordinates and therefore the rectangle size of the window ---
   RECT=BinaryAlloc(16)    ; Create buffer for structure 
   ;BinaryPoke4(RECT,0,0)  ; Left x coordinate (pixel)  
   ;BinaryPoke4(RECT,4,0)  ; Top y coordinate (pixel) 
   ;BinaryPoke4(RECT,8,0)  ; Right x 
   ;BinaryPoke4(RECT,12,0) ; Bottom y
   ;NOTE : above BinaryPokes are commented out to save some processing time - contents will be overwritten with new values on dll call)
   ;----- Make POINT structure ---- will contain the bottom X and Y coordinates -------------------
   POINT=BinaryAlloc(8)    ; Create buffer for structure 
   ;BinaryPoke4(RECT,0,0)  ; Left x coordinate (pixel)  
   ;BinaryPoke4(RECT,4,0)  ; Top y coordinate (pixel) 
   ;NOTE : above BinaryPokes are commented out to save some processing time - contents will be overwritten with new values on dll call)
topx = BinaryPeek4(RECT,0)
topy = BinaryPeek4(RECT,4)
bottomx = BinaryPeek4(POINT,0)
bottomy = BinaryPeek4(POINT,4)
Return StrCat(topx,delim,topy,delim,bottomx,delim,bottomy) 

IntControl(1002,0,0,0,0) ;no winbatch icon
IntControl(54,"",1,0,0) ;always on top

#definesubroutine dlgproc(handle,msg,id,p4,p5)
select msg
  case 0 ;Init
      ;Hide Title Bar
      HWND_TOP =  0
      SWP_NOMOVE  =  2
      SWP_NOSIZE  =  1
      WS_CAPTION=12582912  ;12582912 Hex 00C00000  (Search MSDN for Q111011 for more parameter values)
      OldStyle=DllCall(User32, long:"GetWindowLongA", long:Handle, long:GWL_STYLE)
      NewStyle=OldStyle & ~WS_CAPTION
      DllCall(User32, long:"SetWindowLongA", long:Handle, long:GWL_STYLE, long:NewStyle)
      DllCall(user32, long:"SetWindowPos", long:Handle, long:HWND_TOP, long:0, long:0, long:0, long:0, long:SWP_FRAMECHANGED|SWP_NOMOVE|SWP_NOSIZE)

      DialogProcOptions(handle,2,1)   ;buttons
		ParseData(GetWindowRect(handle,handle," ")) ; get the size of the dialog (compare it's coordinates to itself) and make param0 to 4 out of it
		MyDialogFullHeight = Param4 ; Save the current initial (Full) height
		MyDialogSmall = 58 ; just a value for the small height that was guessed at and then altered manually after testing so that the first button remains visible
  case 2 ;buttons
    select id
      case 1 ;ToolBar size toggle
			ParseData(GetWindowRect(handle,handle," ")) ; get the size of the dialog (compare it's coordinates to itself) and make param0 to 4 out of it
			MyDialogHeight = Param4
         if MyDialogHeight == MyDialogFullHeight
            SetWindowPos(handle,-1,param1,param2,param3,MyDialogSmall,2|4|512) ; make dialog smaller
				For CTRLnum = 2 to 5
            DialogControlState(handle,CTRLnum,3, 2) ; Disable all other buttons - so they can't be tabbed to when the dialog is small and they can't be seen.
				Next CTRLnum
				For CTRLnum = 2 to 5
            DialogControlState(handle,CTRLnum,4, 2) ; Enable other buttons again now that they can be seen.
				Next CTRLnum

            SetWindowPos(handle,-1,param1,param2,param3,MyDialogFullHeight,2|4|512) ; make dialog full size again
         return -2
      case 2
         if WinExist("FrodoSatelliteRadioX" )
            Run("C:\Program Files\FrodoSatelliteRadioX\FrodoSatelliteRadioX.exe","")
         return -2
      case 3
         if WinExist("Master Volume" )
            WinActivate("Master Volume")
         return -2
      case 4
         if WinExist("~Notepad" )
         return -2
return -1




Article ID:   W16948
File Created: 2007:07:03:14:27:08
Last Updated: 2007:07:03:14:27:08