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UDF - ItemBox ToolTips

This is rough, but gets the idea across... since WB dialog ItemBoxes don't have horizontal scrollbars, there has been some discussion about using tooltips to clearly indicate which items were selected--particularly at the time Marty was designing the new Compiler interface. I wrote some code to list the selected item(s) in an ItemBox, but got stopped because I couldn't insert an @CRLF into the tooltip to delimit the items. Since Guido's new version of the tooltip UDF's, though, I was able to finish the script. I apologize for the messiness--most of this was written before the latest version of the tooltip UDF's, and I just kind of crammed the new stuff into the script as it was.

Thanks to Guido for the great tooltip code!


;|TTCreate  : Creates a tool window                                       |
;|DlgHandle : WIL dialog handle                                           |
;|Balloon   : @TRUE  : balloon tooltips (Comctl32.dll v.5.8 IE5)          |
;|            @FALSE : normal tooltips                                    |
;|Returns   : Tool window handle                                          |
#DefineFunction TTCreate (DlgHandle,Balloon)
   HWND_TOPMOST    = -1           ;Stay on top
   ICC_BAR_CLASSES = 4            ;Load toolbar, status bar, trackbar, and ToolTip control classes;
   SWP_NOSIZE      = 1            ;Retains the current size (ignores the cx and cy parameters
   SWP_NOMOVE      = 2            ;Retains the current position (ignores X and Y parameters)
   SWP_NOACTIVATE  = 16           ;Does not activate the window
   ;-----ToolTip Styles--------------------------
   TTS_ALWAYSTIP   = 1            ;Shows tooltip on mouseover even if window is not active
   TTS_NOPREFIX    = 2            ;Prevents the system from stripping the ampersand character from a string
   TTS_NOANIMATE   = 16           ;Disables sliding ToolTip animation on Win98/ME/2k/XP 
   TTS_NOFADE      = 32           ;Disables fading ToolTip animation on Windows 2k/XP systems
   TTS_BALLOON     = 64           ;Gives ToolTip cartoon "balloon" appearance, with stem 
   ;-----Window styles---------------------------
   WS_EX_TOPMOST   = 8            ;Always on top
   WS_POPUP        = 2147483648   ;Window has Popup style
   CW_USEDEFAULT   = 2147483648   ;Uses default position for window's upper-left, ignores Y parameter   
   If Balloon Then TTS_BALLOON=64

   hInst=DllHinst("")                                      ;Get instance handle of dialog window
   User32=StrCat (DirWindows(1),"User32.dll")
   ComCtl32=StrCat (DirWindows(1),"ComCtl32.dll")
   ;-----Initialize common controls--------------
   COMMONCONTROLSEX=BinaryAlloc(8)                         ;Create buffer for CommonControlsEX buffer
   BinaryPoke4 (COMMONCONTROLSEX,0,8)
   ICC=DllCall (ComCtl32,long:"InitCommonControlsEx",lpbinary:COMMONCONTROLSEX)
   BinaryFree  (COMMONCONTROLSEX)                          ;Free CommonControlsEX buffer
   ;-----Create ToolWindow-----------------------
   TTS_Styles=WS_POPUP|TTS_NOPREFIX|TTS_ALWAYSTIP|TTS_BALLOON   ;Determine Style flags for ToolTips
   HTT=DllCall (User32,long:"CreateWindowExA",long:WS_EX_TOPMOST,lpstr:"tooltips_class32",lpstr:"",long:TTS_Styles,long:CW_USEDEFAULT,long:CW_USEDEFAULT,long:CW_USEDEFAULT,long:CW_USEDEFAULT,long:DlgHandle,long:0,long:hInst,long:0)
   DllCall (User32,long:"SetWindowPos",long:HTT,long:HWND_TOPMOST,long:0,long:0,long:0,long:0,long:SWP_NOMOVE|SWP_NOSIZE|SWP_NOACTIVATE)
   Return (HTT)

;|TTAdd     : Adds a tooltip to a control                                 |
;|HTT       : Tool window handle returned by TTCreate()                   |
;|DlgHandle : The handle of the dialog (passed from the dialog callback)  |
;|CtrlId    : Real control ID obtained with Roboscripter                  |
;|Text      : The text to display as the tooltip                          |
;|Returns   : Returns TRUE if successful, or FALSE otherwise.             |
#DefineFunction TTAdd (HTT,DlgHandle,CtrlId,Text)
;AddExtender ("WWCTL34I.DLL")      ;Control Manager extender
   WM_USER         = 1024         ;Helps define private messages for use by private window classes
   TTM_ADDTOOL     = WM_USER+4    ;Defines integer for private window class
   TTF_IDISHWND    = 1            ;Indicates that the uId member is the window handle to the tool
   TTF_CENTERTIP   = 2            ;Centers the ToolTip window below the control
   TTF_RTLREADING  = 4            ;Right-to-left text (actually, opposite direction of control)
   TTF_SUBCLASS    = 16           ;Indicates that ToolTip should subclass tool's window to intercept messages
   TTF_TRACK       = 32           ;Keeps ToolTip next to control even if it moves
   TTF_ABSOLUTE    = 128          ;Positions ToolTip at same coordinates provided by TTM_TRACKPOSITION (Requires TTF_TRACK flag) 
   TTF_TRANSPARENT = 256          ;Causes the ToolTip control to forward mouse event messages to the parent window 
   TTF_DI_SETITEM  = 32768        ;ToolTip control will retain the supplied information and not request it again  
   hInst=DllHinst("")                                      ;Get instance handle of dialog window
   RECT=BinaryAlloc(16)                                    ;Allocate buffer for RECT structure
;   CtrlId=cWndbyseq (DlgHandle,CtrNumber)               ;Get location of control
   CtrlId=DllCall(StrCat(DirWindows(1),"User32.dll"),long:"GetDlgItem",long:DlgHandle,long:CtrlId);-->must get CtrlID from RoboScripter
   DllCall (StrCat(DirWindows(1),"User32.dll"),long:"GetClientRect",long:CtrlId,lpbinary:RECT)   ;Get coordinates of window's client area
   ;-----Tooltip text----------------------------
   ;-----Fill ToolInfo structure-----------------
   TOOLINFO=BinaryAlloc(44)                                ;Create buffer for ToolInfo structure
   BinaryPoke4(TOOLINFO,0,44)                              ;ToolInfo.cbSize
   BinaryPoke4(TOOLINFO,4,TTF_SUBCLASS)                    ;ToolInfo.uFlags
   BinaryPoke4(TOOLINFO,8,CtrlId)                          ;ToolInfo.hwnd
   BinaryPoke4(TOOLINFO,12,0)                              ;ToolInfo.uId
   BinaryPoke4(TOOLINFO,16,BinaryPeek4(RECT,0))            ;rect.left
   BinaryPoke4(TOOLINFO,20,BinaryPeek4(RECT,4))            ;
   BinaryPoke4(TOOLINFO,24,BinaryPeek4(RECT,8))            ;rect.right
   BinaryPoke4(TOOLINFO,28,BinaryPeek4(RECT,12))           ;rect.bottom
   BinaryPoke4(TOOLINFO,32,hInst)                          ;ToolInfo.hinst
   BinaryPoke4(TOOLINFO,36,TextAd)                         ;ToolInfo.lpszText
   BinaryPoke4(TOOLINFO,40,0)                              ;ToolInfo.lParam
   ;-----Add tooltip-----------------------------
   Return (RetVal)

;|TTSetMaxWidth : Sets the maximum width for a ToolTip window.                 |
;|                Use this function only if you want a multiline tooltip.      |
;|Htt           : Tool window handle                                           |
;|Width         : Maximum ToolTip window width to be set.                      |
;|Returns       : The previous maximum ToolTip width.                          |
;|Remarks       : If a ToolTip string exceeds Width value, the control uses    |
;|spaces to determine line breaks.  If the text cannot be segmented into mult- |
;|iple lines, it will be displayed on a single line, which may exceed the Width|
;|value.  A line break can be forced with @CRLF (use StrCat())                 |
#DefineFunction TTSetMaxTipWidth (Htt,Width)
  Return DllCall(User32,long:"SendMessageA",long:htt,long:TTM_SETMAXTIPWIDTH,long:0,long:Width)

#DefineSubRoutine DlgCallback (DlgName,DlgEvent,DlgCtrl,Res4,Res5)
If DlgEvent==00                                            ;Dialog initialization 
   DialogProcOptions (DlgName,2,1)                         ;Watch for button presses
   DialogProcOptions (DlgName,7,1)                         ;Watch ItemBox_Select event
   HTT=TTCreate (DlgName,@TRUE)                            ;This needs to be called before the TTAdd can be used.
   TTSetMaxTipWidth (HTT,128)
If DlgEvent==02                                            ;Button press event
   If DlgCtrl==001 Then Exit
If DlgEvent==07
   ToolTip=""                                             ;Clear Tooltip
   AllItems=DialogControlGet (DlgName,002,5)
   Selected=DialogControlGet (DlgName,002,6)
;   If ItemLocate ("Item1",Selected,@TAB) Then ToolTip=StrCat (ToolTip,"Item1 is selected",@TAB)
;   If ItemLocate ("Item2",Selected,@TAB) Then ToolTip=StrCat (ToolTip,"Item2 is selected",@TAB)
;   If ItemLocate ("Item3",Selected,@TAB) Then ToolTip=StrCat (ToolTip,"Item3 is selected",@TAB)

;Determine selected items
   For EachItem=1 To ItemCount (Selected,@TAB)
      ThisItem=ItemExtract (EachItem,Selected,@TAB)
      ToolTip=StrCat (ToolTip,ThisItem," is selected",@TAB)

   If ItemExtract (-1,Selected,@TAB)=="" Then Selected=ItemRemove (-1,Selected,@TAB)
   Selected=StrReplace (Selected,@TAB,@CRLF)
   TTAdd (HTT,DlgName,101,ToolTip)                      ;Add ToolTip to control #002
Return (-2)

;Generate list of items
Items=StrReplace (Items,"|",@TAB)

ItemPopupCaption=`Popup Item Descriptions`


Article ID:   W15924
File Created: 2004:03:30:15:41:42
Last Updated: 2004:03:30:15:41:42