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DllCall Information

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Crypto API Functions

;Crypto API Functions
;CryptAcquireContext : Gets a handle to a particular key container within a ;
;particular CSP. ;
;pszContainer : The key container name. ;
;pszProvider : The provider name. ;
;dwProvType : The type of provider to acquire. ;
;dwFlags : Normally set to zero. ;
;Returns : A handle to a provider. ;
#DefineFunction CryptAcquireContext(pszContainer, pszProvider, dwProvType, dwFlags)
sDLLName = StrCat(DirWindows(1), "advapi32.dll")
phProv = BinaryAlloc(100)
xx = DllCall(sDLLName, long:"CryptAcquireContextA", lpbinary:phProv, lpstr:pszContainer, lpstr:pszProvider, long:dwProvType, long:dwFlags)
BinaryEodSet(phProv, 100)
hprovider = BinaryPeek4(phProv, 0)
Return hprovider

;CryptCreateHash : Initializes the hashing of a stream of data. ;
;hProv : A handle to the CSP to use. ;
;Algid : An algorithm identifier of the hash algorithm to use. ;
;hKey : Key for the hash if needed. ;
;dwFlags : Reserved, should always be zero. ;
;Returns : Handle to the new hash object. ;
#DefineFunction CryptCreateHash(hProv, Algid, hKey, dwFlags)
phHash = BinaryAlloc(100)
sDLLName = StrCat(DirWindows(1), "advapi32.dll")
xx = DllCall(sDLLName, long:"CryptCreateHash", long:hProv, long:Algid, long:hKey, long:dwFlags, lpbinary:phhash) 
BinaryEodSet(phHash, 100)
hhash = BinaryPeek4(phhash, 0)
Return hhash

;CryptHashData : Computes the cryptographic hash on a stream of data. ;
;hHash : A handle to the hash object. ;
;pbData : Data to be hashed. ;
;dwDataLen : The number of bytes of data to be hashed. ;
;dwFlags : The flag values. ;
;Returns : If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. ;
#DefineFunction CryptHashData(hHash, pbData, dwDataLen, dwFlags)
sDLLName = StrCat(DirWindows(1), "advapi32.dll")
xx = DllCall(sDLLName, long:"CryptHashData", long:hHash, lpstr:pbData, long:dwDataLen, long:dwFlags)
Return xx

;CryptDeriveKey : Generates cryptographic keys derived from base data. ;
;hprov : A handle to the application’s CSP. ;
;Algid : The identifier for the algorithm for which the key is to be generated.;
;hBaseData: A handle to a hash object. ;
;dwFlags : The flags specifying the type of key generated. ;
;Returns : A handle of the newly generated key. ;
#DefineFunction CryptDeriveKey(hprov, Algid, hBaseData, dwFlags)
phKey = BinaryAlloc(100)
sDLLName = StrCat(DirWindows(1), "advapi32.dll")
xx = DllCall(sDLLName, long:"CryptDeriveKey", long:hProv, long:Algid, long:hBaseData, long:dwFlags, lpbinary:phKey)
BinaryEodSet(phKey, 100)
hkey = BinaryPeek4(phKey, 0)
Return hkey

;CryptEncryptStr : Encrypts a string. ;
;hKey : A handle to the key to use for the encryption. ;
;hHash : A handle to a hash object. ;
;Final : Specifies whether this is the last section in a series being decrypted.;
;dwFlags : Reserved, should always be zero. ;
;Data : String to be encrypted. ;
;DataLen : Number of bytes to be encrypted. ;
;dwBufLen: Size of the buffer that will hold the string. ;
;Returns : The encrypted string. ;
#DefineFunction CryptEncryptStr(hKey, hHash, Final, dwFlags, Data, DataLen, dwBufLen)
sDLLName = StrCat(DirWindows(1), "advapi32.dll")
pdwDataLen = BinaryAlloc(4)
pbData = BinaryAlloc(dwBufLen)
BinaryEodSet(pbData, dwBufLen) 
BinaryEodSet(pdwDataLen, 4) 
BinaryPokeStr(pbData, 0, data)
BinaryPoke4(pdwDataLen, 0, DataLen)
xx = DllCall(sDLLName, long:"CryptEncrypt", long:hKey, long:hHash, long:Final, long:dwFlags, lpbinary:pbData, lpbinary:pdwDataLen, long:dwBufLen)
pbindex=BinaryPeek4(pdwDatalen,0) -1 
For xx=0 To pbindex
   bytea=Num2Char((byte >> 4) + 65)
   byteb=Num2Char((byte & 15) + 65)
Return retdata

;CryptDecryptStr : Decrypts a string. ;
;hKey : A handle to the key to use for the decryption. ;
;hHash : A handle to a hash object. ;
;Final : Specifies whether this is the last section in a series being decrypted.;
;dwFlags : Reserved, should always be zero. ;
;Data : String to be decrypted. ;
;DataLen : Number of bytes to be decrypted. ;
;dwBufLen: Size of the buffer that will hold the string. ;
;Returns : The decrypted string. ;
#DefineFunction CryptDecryptStr(hKey, hHash, Final, dwFlags, Data, DataLen, dwBufLen)
sDLLName = StrCat(DirWindows(1), "advapi32.dll")
pbData = BinaryAlloc(dwBufLen)

For xx=1 To DataLen By 2
    bytea=(Char2Num(bytea)-65) << 4
pdwDataLen = BinaryAlloc(100)

;BinaryPokeStr(pbData, 0, data)
BinaryPoke4(pdwDataLen, 0, DataLen)
xx = DllCall(sDLLName, long:"CryptDecrypt", long:hKey, long:hHash, long:Final, long:dwFlags, lpbinary:pbData, lpbinary:pdwDataLen)
BinaryEodSet(pbData, BinaryEodGet(pbData)) 
BinaryEodSet(pdwDataLen, 100)
daData=BinaryPeekStr(pbData, 0, BinaryEodGet(pbData)) 
Return DaData 

;CryptEncrypt : Encrypts a buffer. ;
;hKey : A handle to the key to use for the encryption. ;
;hHash : A handle to a hash object. ;
;Final : Specifies whether this is the last section in a series being decrypted.;
;dwFlags : Reserved, should always be zero. ;
;pbData : Handle to the buffer to encrypt. ;
;DataLen : Number of bytes to be encrypted. ;
;dwBufLen: Size of the buffer to encrypt. ;
;Returns : If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. ;
#DefineFunction CryptEncrypt(hKey, hHash, Final, dwFlags, pbData, DataLen, dwBufLen)
sDLLName = StrCat(DirWindows(1), "advapi32.dll")
pdwDataLen = BinaryAlloc(100)
BinaryPoke4(pdwDataLen, 0, DataLen)
xx = DllCall(sDLLName, long:"CryptEncrypt", long:hKey, long:hHash, long:Final, long:dwFlags, lpbinary:pbData, lpbinary:pdwDataLen, long:dwBufLen)
BinaryEodSet(pbData, BinaryEodGet(pbData)) 
BinaryEodSet(pdwDataLen, 100)
Return xx

;CryptDecrypt : Decrypts a buffer. ;
;hKey : A handle to the key to use for the decryption. ;
;hHash : A handle to a hash object. ;
;Final : Specifies whether this is the last section in a series being decrypted.;
;dwFlags : Reserved, should always be zero. ;
;pbData : Handle of the buffer to be decrypted. ;
;DataLen : Number of bytes to be decrypted. ;
;Returns : If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. ;
#DefineFunction CryptDecrypt(hKey, hHash, Final, dwFlags, pbData, DataLen)
sDLLName = StrCat(DirWindows(1), "advapi32.dll")
pdwDataLen = BinaryAlloc(100)
BinaryPoke4(pdwDataLen, 0, DataLen)
xx = DllCall(sDLLName, long:"CryptDecrypt", long:hKey, long:hHash, long:Final, long:dwFlags, lpbinary:pbData, lpbinary:pdwDataLen)
BinaryEodSet(pbData, BinaryEodGet(pbData)) 
BinaryEodSet(pdwDataLen, 100) 
Return xx

;CryptDestroyHash : Destroys a hash object. ;
;hHash : A handle to the hash object to be destroyed. ;
;Returns : If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. ;
#DefineFunction CryptDestroyHash(hHash)
sDLLName = StrCat(DirWindows(1), "advapi32.dll")
xx = DllCall(sDLLName, long:"CryptDestroyHash", long:hHash)
Return xx

;CryptDestroyKey : Releases the handle referenced by the hKey parameter. ;
;hKey : A handle to the key to be destroyed. ;
;Returns : If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. ;
#DefineFunction CryptDestroyKey(hKey)
sDLLName = StrCat(DirWindows(1), "advapi32.dll")
xx = DllCall(sDLLName, long:"CryptDestroyKey", long:hKey)
Return xx

;CryptReleaseContext : Releases a handle to a CSP and a key container. ;
;hProv : A handle to the application’s CSP. ;
;dwFlags : Reserved, should always be zero. ;
;Returns : If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. ;
#DefineFunction CryptReleaseContext(hProv, dwFlags)
sDLLName = StrCat(DirWindows(1), "advapi32.dll")
xx = DllCall(sDLLName, long:"CryptReleaseContext", long:hProv, long:dwFlags)
Return xx

#DefineFunction udfEncrypt(mString, mHack)

 CALG_MD5 = 32771
 CALG_RC4 = 26625

 ;Get handle to user default provider
 hProv = CryptAcquireContext("", "", PROV_RSA_FULL, 0)

 ;Create hash object
 hHash = CryptCreateHash(hProv, CALG_MD5, 0, 0)

 ;Hash password string
 CryptHashData(hHash, mHack, StrLen(mHack), 0)

 ;Create block cipher session key based on hash of the password
 hKey = CryptDeriveKey(hprov, CALG_RC4, hHash, CRYPT_EXPORTABLE)

 ;Encrypt string
 mEncData = CryptEncryptStr(hKey, 0, @TRUE, 0, mString, StrLen(mString), 20)

 ;Free resources

 CryptReleaseContext(hProv, 0)

Return mEncData


#DefineFunction udfDecrypt(mString,mHack)

 CALG_MD5 = 32771
 CALG_RC4 = 26625

 ;Get handle to user default provider
 hProv = CryptAcquireContext("", "", PROV_RSA_FULL, 0)

 ;Create hash object
 hHash = CryptCreateHash(hProv, CALG_MD5, 0, 0)

 ;Hash password string
 CryptHashData(hHash, mHack, StrLen(mHack), 0)

 ;Create block cipher session key based on hash of the password
 hKey = CryptDeriveKey(hprov, CALG_RC4, hHash, CRYPT_EXPORTABLE)

 ;Decrypt string 
 mDecData = CryptDecryptStr(hKey, 0, @TRUE, 0, mString, StrLen(mString), 20)

 ;Free resources
 CryptReleaseContext(hProv, 0)

Return   mDecData


KeyString = AskLine('CryptoAPI', 'Enter the Key String', '')
pwd = askpassword('CriptoAPI', 'Please enter the password to encript')
mencript = udfEncrypt(pwd,KeyString)
x = AskLine('CryptoAPI', 'Here is your password - copy for safe keeping', mencript)

pwd2 = udfDecrypt(mencript, KeyString)
message("decrypted password", pwd2)

Article ID:   W15928
File Created: 2004:03:30:15:41:44
Last Updated: 2004:03:30:15:41:44