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Determine XP Home vs XP Pro using GetVersionEx API

 Keywords: determine XP home verses XP pro using GetVersionEx API 


How do I determine whether I am running on Windows XP Home Edition verses XP Professional?


The attached script calls the GetVersionEx() Win32 API function and obtains a data structure in a binary buffer. Inside the data structure, one of the fields contains a bit mask value that tells about certain features that are present in the operating system. One specific bit identifies the home edition of WinXP, although that bit must be enabled in combination with several values that are present in the data structure to be 100% certain that you've got WinXP Home Edition.

I put some comments in the script explaining how to perform these tests.

; GetVersionEx.wbt
; 32-bit
; Calls the Win32 API function GetVersionEx() to obtain some extended operating system version data.
; Per the MSDN docs, GetVersionEx() only returns this extended information on Win2K and newer systems.
; So, the perfectly correct way to do this would be to call GetVersion() first and verify that we are
; running WinNT v5.0 or newer before attempting to get the suite mask information that is capable of
; distinguishing between WinXP Pro Edition and WinXP Home Edition.  Here, we're playing it slightly
; sloppy by directly asking for extended information.  Don't run this on WinNT v4.0 or older.

Title01 = 'GetVersionEx() - Get Extended O.S. Version Data'

hBuf = BinaryAlloc(156)

if (!hBuf)
  Message(Title01,'Error!  Unable to allocate a binary buffer.  Aborting...')

; Stuff the buffer size into the first DWORD


; Set the end of data marker


; Get the extended version information

Result = DllCall('KERNEL32.DLL',long:'GetVersionExA',lpbinary:hBuf)

if (!Result)
  Message(Title01,'Error!  DllCall() for "GetVersionExA()" failed.  Aborting...')

; Now we can tear up the binary buffer and get all of the information out of it...

MajorVersion = BinaryPeek4(hBuf,4)
MinorVersion = BinaryPeek4(hBuf,8)
BuildNumber = BinaryPeek4(hBuf,12)
PlatformID = BinaryPeek4(hBuf,16)
CSDVersion = BinaryPeekStr(hBuf,20,128)
SPMajorVersion = BinaryPeek2(hBuf,148)
SPMinorVersion = BinaryPeek2(hBuf,150)
SuiteMask = BinaryPeek2(hBuf,152)
ProductType = BinaryPeek(hBuf,154)

TempMsg = StrCat('O.S. Major Version = ',MajorVersion)
TempMsg = StrCat(TempMsg,@CRLF,'O.S. Minor Version = ',MinorVersion)
TempMsg = StrCat(TempMsg,@CRLF,'O.S. Build Number = ',BuildNumber)
TempMsg = StrCat(TempMsg,@CRLF,'Platform Id = ',PlatformID)
TempMsg = StrCat(TempMsg,@CRLF,'CSD Version = "',CSDVersion,'"')
TempMsg = StrCat(TempMsg,@CRLF,'Service Pack Major Version = ',SPMajorVersion)
TempMsg = StrCat(TempMsg,@CRLF,'Service Pack Minor Version = ',SPMinorVersion)
TempMsg = StrCat(TempMsg,@CRLF,'Suite Mask = ',SuiteMask) ; this is the really interesting field...
TempMsg = StrCat(TempMsg,@CRLF,'Product Type = ',ProductType)


majorver = WinVersion(1)
minorver = WinVersion(0)
if platformid==2 && majorver==5 && minorver==1 && producttype==1  
	;If the result of (VerSuite & 512) is non-zero then that indicates that WinXP Home Edition is
	;being used.  If (VerSuite & 512) is zero then WinXP Professional Edition is being used.
	if SuiteMask & 512
	   Message(Title01,"WinXP Home Edition")
	   Message(Title01,"WinXP Professional Edition")
	Message(Title01,"Invalid platform to perform this test")


; The SuiteMask field is a bit masked value that identifies various types of functionality that are
; present:
;  VER_SUITE_SMALLBUSINESS =               1 = 0x00000001
;  VER_SUITE_ENTERPRISE =                  2 = 0x00000002
;  VER_SUITE_BACKOFFICE =                  4 = 0x00000004
;  VER_SUITE_COMMUNICATIONS =              8 = 0x00000008
;  VER_SUITE_TERMINAL =                   16 = 0x00000010
;  VER_SUITE_EMBEDDEDNT =                 64 = 0x00000040
;  VER_SUITE_DATACENTER =                128 = 0x00000080
;  VER_SUITE_SINGLEUSERTS =              256 = 0x00000100
;  VER_SUITE_PERSONAL =                  512 = 0x00000200
;  VER_SUITE_BLADE =                    1024 = 0x00000400
;  The PERSONAL bit is enabled if XP Home Edition is being used.
;  The TERMINAL bit is enabled if the system is capable of supporting multiple-user terminal
;  services.
;  The SINGLLEUSERTS bit is enabled if the system is capable of supporting the remote desktop
;  functionality, which is just a very limited form of terminal services used for remote
;  administration tasks.
;  To test properly for any flavor of WinXP, the following must be true:
;    The PlatformID must be 2 [NT platform family]
;    The O.S. Major Version must be 5.
;    The O.S. Minor Version must be 1.
;    The Product Type must be 1 [workstation, not server]
;    If the result of (VerSuite & 512) is non-zero then that indicates that WinXP Home Edition is
;    being used.  If (VerSuite & 512) is zero then WinXP Professional Edition is being used.

Article ID:   W15485
File Created: 2003:05:16:14:43:52
Last Updated: 2003:05:16:14:43:52