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DLL Pointer Problem

 Keywords: DllCall DLL Return Pointer IntControl 32 Read QR Codes Images QRCodeDecodeImageFile Qrcode SDK StrFromMemAddr lstrcpynA


I am trying to use a DLL to read QR Codes from images. The DLL documentation is very short with only a few calls needed. However the use of pointers is confusing me.

The QRCodeDecodeImageFile() returns an integer that is supposed to be a pointer to the result, but I don't know what to do with it. Any thoughts? My Code:

QRDLL = DirScript():"QRCodeDecodeDll.dll"
QR = DllLoad(QRDLL)

InFile = "C:\QR.BMP"

bData = BinaryAlloc(8192) ;buffer for the data, not that I know how to get it there

bCount = BinaryAlloc(4)
pCount = IntControl(42,bCount,0,0,0)

Result = DllCall(QR,long:"QRCodeDecodeImageFile",lpstr:inFile,long:pCount)
display(1,"Result",Result) ; shows an integer
display(1,"Count",Count) ; shows 1 for an image with one QRCode

;need to do something here to actually extract the data

The DLL Documentation:
Structure of the QRCode decoding result:
typedef struct tagResult
BYTE *pData; //result of decoding result
int nSize; //data length
int xPos; //Left top position of barcode at image
int yPos; // Left top position of barcode at image
} Result;

The QRCodeDecodeImageFile function read QRCode figure from image and decode it to text or binary data.
Result * __stdcall QRCodeDecodeImageFile(char *pImageFile,int *pCount);

pImageFile char *
[in] the image file containing QRCode figure, it can be BMP,GIF,PNG,JPG or
TIF formats.
pCount int
[out] the barcodes the function found and the number of the result returnd. The
pointer need be allocate memory before calling the function.
Return values
Result *, the first result pointer. If having more barcodes, move the pointer to get
the next barcode result.
NULL decode failure or no barcode found.



This api seems to return a pointer into your variable Result. Maybe try using IntControl 32 to return the contents of the memory location specified by the pointer.
;typedef struct tagResult
;BYTE *pData; //result of decoding result
;int nSize; //data length
;int xPos; //Left top position of barcode at image
;int yPos; // Left top position of barcode at image
;} Result;

QRDLL = DirScript():"QRCodeDecodeDll.dll"
QR = DllLoad(QRDLL)

InFile = "C:\QR.BMP"

bCount = BinaryAlloc(4)
Result = DllCall(QR,long:"QRCodeDecodeImageFile",lpstr:inFile,lpBinary:bCount)
BinaryFree( bCount)

Display(1,"Count",Count) ; shows 1 for an image with one QRCode

; Get first QRCode
pData = IntControl (32, Result, 'LONG', 0, 0)
nSize = IntControl (32, Result+4, 'LONG', 0, 0)
xPos = IntControl (32, Result+8, 'LONG', 0, 0)
yPos = IntControl (32, Result+12, 'LONG', 0, 0)
Pause('QRCodeDecodeImageFile Results', 'pData = ':pData:@LF:'nSize = ':nSize:@LF:'xPos = ':xPos:@LF:'yPos = ':yPos)

; Display the Data
For N = 0 To nSize-1
   Data = Data:Num2Char(IntControl(32, pData+N, 'BYTE', 0, 0))


Whether this is a better approach or not is open to discussion but it is another approach. You may need to tweak it a bit depending on where or not your data has a null terminator or whether or not the returned nSize includes the null terminator as part of its total.

; MemAddr - memory address
; nSize   - number of bytes allocated at MemAddr
#DefineFunction StrFromMemAddr(MemAddr, nSize)
   hBin = BinaryAlloc(nSize+1)
   x = DllCall("Kernel32.dll",long:"lstrcpynA",lpbinary:hBin, long:MemAddr, long:nSize)
   strResult = BinaryPeekStr(hBin, 0, nSize)
   Return strResult ; ANSI string returned

Article ID:   W17787
Filename:   DLL Pointer Problem .txt
File Created: 2013:03:13:13:31:58
Last Updated: 2013:03:13:13:31:58