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Installation Licensing Setup

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IE4 SP1 Installation Sample Code

Keywords: 	 IE4 SP1	  internet explorer 4.01

; IE4Sp1.wbt                                                                       *
; Version 1.03                                                                     *
; Date Created 06/23/1999 By                         *
;                                                                                  *
; Date of Last Update                                                              *
;                                                                                  *
; 24/06   change start page (                                         *
; 25/06   check ie4 version                                                        *
; 26/06   add switch "M:0" to disable the Active bar and Web view                  *
;         after restart the machine                                                *
; 27/06   setup PwC proxy server                                                   *
; 28/06   check disk space                                                         *
;                                                                                  *
; Purpose:                                                                         * 
; This program is to deploy explorer software to the PwC staff upon network login  *
; This will create a flag dir under windows and create a flag IE4.flg in to it     *
; debug(@ON)                                                                       *


Pause("Internet Explorer 4.01 SP1","Welcome to the Internet Explorer 4.01 SP1 Active Setup,%@crlf%which will automatic installing Internet Explorer.%@crlf%%@crlf%Note: Internet Explorer 4.01 SP1 replace previous versions%@crlf%of Internet Explorer.")

;Checking operating system...                                                      ;
regkey = RegOpenKey(@REGMACHINE, "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion")

winver = RegQueryValue(regkey, "[VersionNumber]")


If winver != "4.00.1111" & winver != "4.03.1214"    ;B version or image file sent from overseas
      Message("Windows Version","The program can not be run in Windows version %winver%%@crlf%%@crlf%Please contact your local support staff")
;End check...                                                                      ;

;Checking IE4 version...                                                           ;
regkey = RegOpenKey(@REGMACHINE, "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion")

iever = RegQueryValue(regkey, "[Plus! VersionNumber]")


if iever >= "IE 4.0 4.72.3110.8" 
      Message("Active Setup Installation","Setup has detected that the newest versions of Internet Explorer%@crlf%components are already installed.%@crlf%%@crlf%Installer will exit without making any changes.")
;End check...                                                                      ;

;set srting and check installation file                                            ;
;windir = Environment("windir")

;FlgDir = (StrCat("%WinDir%\Flag\"))

;IF !DirExist(FlgDir)Then DirMake(FlgDir)

;IF FileExist("%FlgDir%IE4Sp1.Flg")
;      Pause("Internet Explorer 4.01 SP1","Internet Explorer 4.01 SP1 has already been installed on this machine!%@crlf%%@crlf%Press OK to reinstall, Cancel to exit") 
;       exit

TD = "0.2"     ;set time delay vaule

;Close all applications before continue                                            ;
list = WinItemize()
count = ItemCount(list,@tab)

for xx = 1 to count
thiswin = ItemExtract(xx,list,@tab)
if WinState(thiswin) == @Hidden then continue

If Msg != 1
      Pause("Internet Explorer 4.01 SP1","Setup detect some applications are running, they will be closed before continue%@Crlf%%@Crlf%Press OK to close them, Cancel to exit")
      Msg = Msg + 1

;End check...                                                                      ;

IE4Setup = "M:\Install\Software\Ie4sp1"    ;path of installation driver

If !direxist (IE4Setup)    ;check installation file
      message("Internet Explorer 4.01 SP1","The installation file of Internet Explorer 4.01 SP1 can't be found in%@crlf%%IE4Setup% folder.%@crlf%%@crlf%Please contact your local support staff.")

If !FileExist(StrCat("%IE4Setup%\","Ie4setup.exe"))
      Message("Internet Explorer 4.01 SP1","The Ie4setup.exe file can't be found in %IE4Setup% folder.%@crlf%%@crlf%Please contact your local support staff.")
      Setup_exe = FileTimeCode("%IE4Setup%\Ie4setup.exe")
      If Setup_exe != 615716896
           Message("Internet Explorer 4.01 SP1","The installation file in %IE4Setup% folder is illegal.%@crlf%%@crlf%Please contact your local support staff.")
;End check...                                                                      ;

;Disk space check                                                                  ;

Display(5,"Internet Explorer 4.01 SP1", "Checking disk space, please wait...")

MB=1000*1000 ; Decimal school 
;MB=1024*1000 ; Intermediate School 
;MB=1024*1024 ; Binary School 

Size   = Diskfree("c")
HaveMB = Int(Size / MB)
If HaveMB < 60
      Message("Internet Explorer 4.01 SP1", "There is no enough disk space to install Internet Explorer 4.01 SP1!%@crlf%%@crlf%Please contact your local support staff.")
;End check...                                                                      ;
Run('%IE4Setup%\IE4SETUP.EXE', '/q /c:"ie4wzd /S:""#e"" /q /r:n /M:0"')

WinWaitExist("Internet Explorer 4.01 SP1 Active Setup", -1)
;WinWaitExist("Internet Explorer 4.0 Active Setup", 20)
;SendKeysTo ("Internet Explorer 4.01 Browser Only Install", "!N")

If WinExist("Internet Explorer 4.01 SP1 Active Setup") == @False Then GOTO END

AppWaitClose ("%IE4Setup%\IE4SETUP.EXE")

;FileCopy("%windir%\Start Menu\Programs\Internet Explorer\Internet Explorer.lnk", "%windir%\Start Menu\Programs\applications\Internet Explorer.lnk", @False)
;FileCopy("%windir%\Start Menu\Programs\Internet Explorer\Internet Explorer.lnk", "%windir%\desktop\applications\Internet Explorer.lnk", @False)

;FileDelete("%windir%\Start Menu\Programs\Internet Explorer\*.*")
;FileDelete("%windir%\Desktop\Outlook Express.lnk")
;DirRemove("%windir%\Start Menu\Programs\Internet Explorer")

;Change regestry settings                                                      ;
;The following prevents the IE 4.x splash screen from appearing at WIN95 boot time.
RegDelValue(@REGMACHINE, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run[BrowserWebCheck]")

;The following prevents the IE 4.x Welcome Box from appearing at WIN95 boot time.
regkey = RegOpenKey(@REGUSERS, ".Default\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Tips")
RegSetDword(regkey, "[ShowIE4]", "0")

;The following prevents the IE 4.x Active Bar from appearing at WIN95 boot time and setup start page.
regkey = RegOpenKey(@REGUSERS, ".Default\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main")
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Show_ChannelBand]", "no")
RegSetValue(regkey, "[Start Page]", "")

;The following setup the PwC proxy server for the IE 4.x.
regkey = RegOpenKey(@REGUSERS, ".Default\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings")
RegSetBin(regkey, "[ProxyEnable]", "01 00 00 00")
RegSetBin(regkey, "[EnableAutodial]", "00 00 00 00")
RegSetValue(regkey, "[ProxyServer]", "**put proxy server name here**")
;End change regestry settings                                                      ;

;FileWrite(Flg,"THIS IS A FLAG FILE DO NOT DELETE...%@Crlf%%@Crlf%GTS Staff will delete if required new system settings")

PlayWaveForm ("M:\install\wbt\warning.wav", 1 | 9)    ;I have to put the command at here, it's doesn't work in the next section!!

TimeOut = 5
while TimeOut > 0
        Display (1, "Internet Explorer 4.01 SP1", "Machine will be restart to take effect in %TimeOut% seconds")       
        TimeOut = TimeOut-1

PlayWaveForm ("M:\install\wbt\warning.wav", 0)    ;close wave
IntControl (67, 0, 0, 0, 0)     ;Restart machine
goto end


Article ID:   W14238
Filename:   IE4 Installation Sample Code.txt
File Created: 1999:10:26:11:22:44
Last Updated: 1999:10:26:11:22:44