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Netware 3 Attach Failing

Netware 3 Attach Failing  LSL.VLM / NETX.VLM load failed  n3attach

User is using VLMs for a new network card, to load Netware drivers into the environment.

User found that attaching was unsuccessful. Upon closer inspection, he found out that his PC's weren't properly configured.

There are two files, NETX.VLM and LSL.VLM, which need to be copied into the C:\Windows\System directory, so Windows knows about Novell. So search for NETX.VLM and LSL.VLM, and copy them into the Windows System directory.

Copying these files enabled the attach to work.

Article ID:   W13629
Filename:   Netware 3 Attach with VLMs Failing.txt
File Created: 1999:04:15:16:55:18
Last Updated: 1999:04:15:16:55:18