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Remove Invalid Mapping Issue

 Keywords: nwMapDelete nwDriveStatus Error 255 Invalid Mapping Remove Delete


Case: K: is mapped to 'some_directory' then somebody has renamed the directory to 'this_directory', so the mapping is invalid. I try to remove the mapping with nwMapDelete('K:'), but this returns an error. Also nwDriveStatus('K:') returns an error.


Extender version: 44002.0.0.1

- nwMapDelete('K:') 
error 255 Function failed
[NetWare Extender]
LastError=F "NWGetDriveStatus() : WWNWX_MapDeleteDrive()"

- nwDriveStatus('K:')
error 255 Function failed
[NetWare Extender]
LastError=F "NWGetDriveStatus() : WWNWX_GetDriveStatus()"

It looks like NWGetDriveStatus() is spoiling things...How can I get rid of the invalid mappping ?


Based on the contents of wwwbatch.ini, NWGetDriveStatus is returning the error 0x000F NW_INVALID_DRIVE. There doesn't appear to be any quick fix for this problem in the NetWareX extender due to how the Novell XPLAT API function NWGetDriveStatus() is working. Numerous functions within the extender make use of NWGetDriveStatus() to determine if a drive mapping is a valid Novell Client mapped drive letter. When you rename or delete the directory on the server where the drive was mapped to, it is no longer a valid mapped drive letter. This, in turn, causes NWGetDriveStatus() to fail and return 0xF [invalid drive]. For safety reasons, if NWGetDriveStatus() can't determine that the drive letter is a network drive connected to a NetWare resource, then the other functions in the extender won't attempt to manipulate that drive letter.
Article ID:   W18006
Filename:   Remove Invalid Mapping  Issue.txt
File Created: 2009:04:14:09:52:16
Last Updated: 2009:04:14:09:52:16