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n4attach Problems

Keywords:    n4attach


I am using the wwn4x34I.dll extender and the n4Attach("\\VOPFD"). Server VOPFD is in a different container. I am getting a: WIL Extender Error: 121: Unknown Error


I am not sure... Are you successfully executing n4Login?

Please see the following article:

You may need to use the function n4SetContext, to specify the proper context.

User Reply:

I'll try the n4SetContext, but that doesn't exactly take advantage of NDS. If Context needs to be set, then I would recommend the extender accept distinguished names eg: n4Attach(".VOPFD.FD.VOP") instead of /(in addition to) UNCs.

My WinBatch version #: 99c
My Netware Extender Version#: 14022

SetContext didn't work...but since the function always returns a "1", I don't know if it successfully changed my context or not....I don't think so.

Tech Reply:

N4Attach reguires the UNC of the server. If you need to specify context,then specify it in n4Login, or use n4SetContext.

Okay, you will need to first execute n4Login, which performs a login to Novell Directory Services, under with context and tree you specified on n4Login.... You can then Attach to and get authenticated by the Novell 4.x network file server, using the function n4Attach. If you need to attach to a server in a different context, use n4SetContext to Change the context.

When you say "SetContext didn't work" what do you mean? Did you get an error?
Are you still getting WIL Extender Error: 121: Unknown Error on the n4Attach?
Are you successfully executing n4Login?

User Reply:

Here's one for your tech web site!

I created an Alias object for the server I'm trying to attach to, and n4Attach worked...the way it's supposed to!

Here is my tree situation:

  |    |--VOPCC  (server)
  |    |--VOPFD  (server)

I am located at CC.VOP, context CC. I want to map a drive on server VOPFD (VOPFD.FD.VOP). I created an Alias object, VOPFD.CC.VOP, which is aliased to VOPFD.FD.VOP. When I use the UNC reference in n4Attach("\\VOPFD"), this "finds" VOPFD.FD.VOP through it's VOPFD alias in my current context! Make sense?

With the Alias object, I didn't need to change context, or use n4Login. I wouldn't think I would need to use n4Login anyway, because I'm already logged into the tree as myself...and therefore, should be able to authenticate to anywhere that I have rights.

So, hopefully, I'm finally able to give something back. This is a good solution...really a workaround. If the extender is to be further developed, I'd recommend changing the syntax to distinguished names vs. UNCs. UNCs would be appropriate for bindery (3.x) Novell extender, but kludgy in the NDS (4.x) environment.

Article ID:   W14118
Filename:   n4attach Problems.txt
File Created: 2017:08:29:11:51:04
Last Updated: 2017:08:29:11:51:04