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Novell Bindery mode Login under Intranetware Client v2.2(IWC2.2)

Keywords:    Novell Intranetware Client version 2.2 n3attach


This is not your problem, as it looks like Novell may have been the one that changed the rules on me; but, I am hoping that you have seen this problem and already know of a fix.

I have a WinBatch that logs into a NetWare 4 server using bindery emulation. Specifically:

	ReturnCode = n3Attach( "\\%ServerName%", "%UserName%", "%UserPassword%" )
It used to work great, but now does not. The change? The newest IntranetWare Client version 2.2 (where previously we had used Client32 for Windows 95). Now, the pc tries to make a NDS connection before (or instead of) the bindery connection (which in this case is a bad thing). The network extender does properly report that the NDS connection has been made - so the WinBatch behavior is fine. It is just that I need the n3Attach(), not a n4Attach().

Have you all seen this error before? And better yet, do you know of a work-around? I do have the option of downgrading the network client software; so, it is not like I don't have another option. It is just that I would rather mold my program to the system than the other way around.


The n3 functions are a rather thin wrapper directly into the Novell functions. We don't do anything especially intelligent other than allow you to call the Novell functions directly from Winbatch.

But here are two things to check (and change) in the client itself.

  1. Go to Network Neighbourhood/Properties/Client32/Properties;

  2. On the Login Tab make sure that Bindery connection is checked and if you NEED bindery connections mainly, you can change the binding order under the Advanced Settings Tab and Netware Protocol to be BIND NDS instead of NDS BIND (the default). You can even make them BIND only if required.
If you want to automate this, you will have to check the registry, make the change and then recheck the registry, but this could get complicated, or find some way to script it with Winbatch.
Article ID:   W13612
Filename:   n3attach Probs with Novell Intranetware v2.2.txt
File Created: 1999:04:22:08:47:48
Last Updated: 1999:04:22:08:47:48