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Convert NTP to YMDHMS


#DefineFunction NTP2YMDHMS(NTPTime,mode)
   ;Base function courtesy of Les Ferch
   ;This udf converts data collected in NTP format
   ;making it suitable for either date manipulation with native
   ;Winbatch functions, i.e. TimeDiffSecs()
   ;or inserted directly as a timestamp into databases
   ;such as Access or SQL Server
   ;example NTP Format: 07:46:30.024 EST Fri Jan 30 2009
   ;This udf does not take the TimeZone into consideration
   ;for conversion, but that could be easily added

   ;Parameters: NTPTime string in NTP format [see above]
   ;            mode how conversion data is returned

   NTPTime = StrClean(NTPTime,".:"," ",@FALSE,1)
   Year = ItemExtract(9,NTPTime," ")
   MonthName = ItemExtract(7,NTPTime," ")
   Month = StrFixLeft( ((StrIndexNC("JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec",MonthName,1,@FWDSCAN) + 2) / 3),"0",2)
   If StrLen(StrTrim(Month))==1 Then Month = "0":Month
   Day = StrFixLeft(ItemExtract(8,NTPTime," "),"0",2)
   If StrLen(StrTrim(Day))==1 Then Day = "0":Day
   Hour = ItemExtract(1,NTPTime," ")
   Minute = ItemExtract(2,NTPTime," ")
   Second = ItemExtract(3,NTPTime," ")
   If mode==1 Then Return Year:":":Month:":":Day:":":Hour:":":Minute:":":Second ;Winbatch
     Else Return Year:"-":Month:"-":Day:" ":Hour:":":Minute:":":Second  ;DateTime Time Stamp

Article ID:   W18402
Filename:   Convert NTP to YMDHMS.txt
File Created: 2009:02:09:12:34:10
Last Updated: 2009:02:09:12:34:10