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Time UDFs

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UDF TmsHms to User Local Format

Keywords: 	 UDF TmsHms to user local format

This nice function converts from a date time in the form :YYYY:MM:DD:HH:MM:SS to a human readable date (same format as the timedate wil function), so basically is the same as timedate but it works for any given time instead of only the current time.

The best part is that returns the date with the user language and shortdate system format, timedate returns always in english, at least for me. It uses api calls so it is not fast.

;TimeYmdHmsToDate : Converts time from system format to human readable format ;
; using the user language and system shortdate format. ;
;(s) time : a date time in the form YYYY:MM:DD:HH:MM:SS ;
;Returns :a string in the form: ;
; ddd : Day of week as a three-letter abbreviation(user language) ;
; shortdate : shortdate format taken from system win.ini ;
; HH : hour ;
; MM : minutes ;
; SS : seconds ;
#definefunction TimeYmdHmsToDate(time)
DLLName = StrCat(DirWindows(1), "kernel32.dll")
;fill SYSTEMTIME structure
SYSTEMTIME = binaryalloc(16)
binarypoke2(SYSTEMTIME, 0, itemextract(1, time, ":")) ;year
binarypoke2(SYSTEMTIME, 2, itemextract(2, time, ":")) ;month
binarypoke2(SYSTEMTIME, 4, (TimeJulianDay(time)+5) mod 7) ;day of week
binarypoke2(SYSTEMTIME, 6, itemextract(3, time, ":")) ;day
binarypoke2(SYSTEMTIME, 8, itemextract(4, time, ":")) ;hour
binarypoke2(SYSTEMTIME, 10,itemextract(5, time, ":")) ;minute
binarypoke2(SYSTEMTIME, 12,itemextract(6, time, ":")) ;seconds
;leave milliseconds to 00
;get shortdate format from win.ini
shortdate = IniRead("intl", "sShortDate", "")
;buffer to recieve the human date
date = binaryalloc(100)
;build human date
DLLCall(DLLName, long:"GetDateFormatA", long:1024, long:0, lpbinary:SYSTEMTIME, lpstr:strcat("ddd", " ", itemextract(1, shortdate, "/"), "/", itemextract(2, shortdate, "/"), "/", itemextract(3, shortdate, "/")), lpbinary:Date, long:100)
binaryeodset(date, 100)
humandate = binarypeekstr(date, 0, 100)
return strcat(strupper(StrSub(humandate, 1, 1)), strsub(humandate, 2, -1), " ", itemextract(4, time, ":"), ":", itemextract(5, time, ":"), ":", itemextract(6, time, ":"))

;get tomorrow time in human readable format
d = TimeYmdHmsToDate(timeadd(TimeYmdHms(), "0000:00:01:00:00:00"))
message("Tomorrow at this time:", d) 

Article ID:   W15322
File Created: 2002:09:05:13:51:20
Last Updated: 2002:09:05:13:51:20