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Time UDFs

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Universal Time to Local Time

 Keywords:  Universal Time Local Time

Sample from user:

This routine uses the Windows API to convert time from universal to local time.

It does NOT check that the input is actually a valid time. (If the time is invalid, the returned value will be nonsense.)

Note: On Windows NT there is a single API SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime that could do this conversion, but I didn't use it because it is not available in Windows 9x.

; Input is a time in YmdHms format.
; Output is also YmdHms, but converted
; to local time.

#DefineFunction UniversalToLocal(Time)
   ST  = BinaryAlloc(16)
   FT1 = BinaryAlloc(8)
   FT2 = BinaryAlloc(8)

   Yr = Int(ItemExtract(1,Time,":"))     ; Must have 4 digit years.
   if Yr < 100 then Yr = 2000 + Yr       ; Assume 2 digit years are 20xx.

   BinaryPoke2(ST, 0,Yr)                 ; Fill a SYSTEMTIME structure
   BinaryPoke2(ST, 2,Int(ItemExtract(2,Time,":")))
   BinaryPoke2(ST, 6,Int(ItemExtract(3,Time,":")))
   BinaryPoke2(ST, 8,Int(ItemExtract(4,Time,":")))

                                          ; Do the time conversion
   kernel32 = DllLoad(strcat(dirwindows(1),"Kernel32.DLL"))
   DllCall(kernel32,lpstr:"SystemTimeToFileTime",lpbinary:ST, lpbinary:FT1)
   DllCall(kernel32,lpstr:"FileTimeToLocalFileTime",lpbinary:FT1, lpbinary:FT2)
   DllCall(kernel32,lpstr:"FileTimeToSystemTime",lpbinary:FT2, lpbinary:ST)

   Local = Strcat(BinaryPeek2(ST,0),":",BinaryPeek2(ST,2),":",BinaryPeek2(ST,6),":",BinaryPeek2(ST,8),":",BinaryPeek2(ST,10),":",BinaryPeek2(ST,12))
   return Local

Article ID:   W14963
File Created: 2001:11:08:12:41:10
Last Updated: 2001:11:08:12:41:10