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Time UDFs

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Daylight Savings Time Code

This example uses the Windows API to find out the following...
  1. Is today Daylight or Standard time?
  2. When (this year) daylight time begins.
  3. When (this year) daylight time ends.
; Compute the Nth occurrance of a given weekday in a given month.
; Passed Year, Month, Weekday, and Count.  (Weekday: 0=Sunday, 1=Monday, ... etc)
;   Returns the date of the Nth weekday of the month.
;   IE...  If Weekday = 3 and Count = 2, return the 2nd Tuesday of the month.
;  If Count is 5 or greater you will get the last such weekday of the month, 
;  even if there are only 4.
#DefineFunction NthDayOfMonth(Year,Month,Weekday,Count)
  First = Strcat(Year,":",Month,":01:00:00:00")
  W1 = (TimeJulianDay(First)+5) mod 7
  if Weekday < W1 then Weekday = Weekday + 7
  Begin = TimeAdd(First,StrCat("0:0:",Weekday-W1,":0:0:0"))
  if Count < 2 then return Begin
  if Count > 5 then Count = 5
  Begin = TimeAdd(Begin,StrCat("0:0:",(Count-1)*7,":0:0:0"))
  if ItemExtract(2,Begin,":") != Month then Begin = TimeSubtract(Begin,"0:0:7:0:0:0")
  return Begin

;   Get the starting and ending dates of Dayligt time.
;   Sets  DstToday... 0 = Can't tell 
;                     1 = Standard Time
;                     2 = Daylight Time
;   If DstToday > 0, Set  DstBegins = Date (this year) that Daylight Time begins
;                         DstEnds   = Date (this year) that Daylight Time ends.
Buffer = BinaryAlloc(180)
DstToday = dllCall(strcat(dirWindows(1),"Kernel32.DLL"),long:"GetTimeZoneInformation",lpbinary:Buffer)
if DstToday < 0 then DstToday = 0
if DstToday
    ThisYear = ItemExtract(1,TimeYmdHms(),":")
    Mx = BinaryPeek2(Buffer,70)
    Wx = BinaryPeek2(Buffer,72)
    Dx = BinaryPeek2(Buffer,74)
    Hx = BinaryPeek2(Buffer,76)
    DstEnds = ItemReplace(StrFixLeft(Hx,"0",2),4,NthDayOfMonth(ThisYear,Mx,Wx,Dx),":")
    Mx = BinaryPeek2(Buffer,154)
    Wx = BinaryPeek2(Buffer,156) 
    Dx = BinaryPeek2(Buffer,158) 
    Hx = BinaryPeek2(Buffer,160)
    DstBegins =  ItemReplace(StrFixLeft(Hx,"0",2),4,NthDayOfMonth(ThisYear,Mx,Wx,Dx),":")
    DstBegins = ""
    DstEnds = ""

;  To test the program, display the values returned.
#DefineFunction DisplayTime(Time)
  Yr = ItemExtract(1,Time,":")
  Mo = ItemExtract(ItemExtract(2,Time,":"),"Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec"," ")
  Dy = ItemExtract(3,Time,":")
  Hr = ItemExtract(4,Time,":")
  Mn = ItemExtract(5,Time,":")
  return StrCat(Mo," ",Dy,", ",Yr," @ ",Hr,":",Mn)

if DstToday == 0
    Message("","Unable to determine Daylight Time information.")
    if DstToday == 1 
        Header = "Today is Standard Time"
        Header = "Today is Daylight Time"
    Text = StrCat("Daylight Time Begins..... ",DisplayTime(DstBegins),@CRLF)
    Text = StrCat(Text,"Daylight Time Ends....... ",DisplayTime(DstEnds))

Article ID:   W16255
File Created: 2004:03:30:15:43:36
Last Updated: 2004:03:30:15:43:36