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WinGetActive in FileMenu


This article being edited.


I have problem running a script from the FileMenu (Explore context menu) where WinGetActive() returns "Processing..."

I ran the same code in Windows XP and it executed as I thought it should. I modified "FileMenu for all filetypes.mnw" and entered the code as an item in the menu and it returned the title of the "Explorer" window.

      trgDir = wingetactive()
      Cnts = itemcount(trgDir, '\')
      if Cnts==1
         display(5, 'Can''t Gather Vids to Root!', 'Try a different folder.')
      Trg = itemextract(Cnts, trgDir, '\')
Beyond getting my script to work I think WinGetActive() should work the same whether I'm using a FileMenu script in XP or Windows 7 but it doesn't. The active window is the Explorer window from which the script is invoked not the script invoked from the context menu or the context menu itself.


Your issue has to do with the bitness of the OS and they way FileMenu works on 64-bit systems. The WinGetActive is accurately returning the active window text. It is just that the active window isn't the same for 64-bit FileMenu. There are likely different WinBatch functions you can use to get to the same end in your menu script.

I have found the cGetFocus can be used in this instance. Once you get the window with focus you can get that parents owner handle to get the title. This seems to work for me on Windows 7 from FileMenu:

_Get Active Window Name From Filemenu 
      ; Load Appropriate Extender
      hwndFocus = cGetFocus()
      owner =  cWndInfo(hwndFocus,9)
      thistext = cWndInfo(owner,0)
      Pause('cGetFocus Focused Window',thistext)   
Note: WinGetActive and cGetFocus are returning the same window. The difference is that cGetFocus is returning a window handle that can be passed to cWndInfo to obtain the window's owner window. Because FileMenu is a shell extension, that owner window is the current running shell's app window.

Here is another way to get the shell window's caption which is also the caption of the window the was returned by WinGetActive() of the old 32-bit FileMenu:

_Get Active Window Name From Filemenu 
        strCaption = WinName()
        Message("Shell Window Caption", strCaption) 

Article ID:   W18518
Filename:   WinGetActive in FileMenu.txt
File Created: 2014:06:24:07:42:00
Last Updated: 2014:06:24:07:42:00