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How to Create a List of Available Workstations

Keywords:     available workstations wntResources wntResources2 atkins


Windows NT Environment:

I need to create a list of available workstations and run commands on names pulled from the list

any ideas...


  1. wntResources, wntResources2, something along those lines might do it.

  2. Or, get the freeware NT exporter from atkins resources, and runshell this. Once this has finished, you'd have a text file with all pc's in which you could fileread in, and act accordingly.

    The URL is:


Article ID:   W13526
Filename:   Create a List of Available Workstations.txt
File Created: 2001:01:29:15:05:50
Last Updated: 2001:01:29:15:05:50