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Install applications on NT without system admin priviledge

Keywords: 	 wntRunasUser remote installation


Can you give me any pointers on how to install applications remotely?


Well, I'll first create a winbatch script to install an application, and test it, etc. Then I'll zip up the installation files, and push these out to various NT machines via the administrative shares on the target machines (C$, etc.). Then, I'll use the AT scheduler to schedule that script to kick off at a certain time on that remote machine. AT (the schedule services) allows for scheduling on remote machines. Because the schedule service is running as the system account, the script runs with privileges above what the user has (our users are typically given power user privileges).

Occasionally, this won't work, because the install requires a "real" user, or needs "real" administrative privileges, and I've begun to use the new wntRunasUser in this instance to switch from the system account to a real user account. This, however, is the exception rather than the rule. The system account can do nearly anything on an NT machine that an administrator can do.

Article ID:   W14261
Filename:   Install apps on NT without system admin priviledge.txt
File Created: 1999:10:26:11:22:54
Last Updated: 1999:10:26:11:22:54