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Win32 Network Extenders with Older WinBatch

Keywords:   wwnet32i.dll www9532i.dll wwwnt32i.dll 


I was about to download the new Network extender ( when I saw the following recommendation: "You should have WinBatch 96M before considering these changes". Well, I am still using version 96G... Is it really critical ??? I guess also that you mean "96M or higher".

I could start to use version 97A, but then I would have to search for all the scripts using Network Extenders and to recompile them.

By the way, if the AddExtender and the Network functions are in a called WBC, do I need to recompile also the calling program (just for the Network Extender purpose) ?


A couple of versions back, when the Win32 networking split off into W95 and WNT specific pieces, a few additional DLL's were required to let the Win32 net extender work.

In theory, you can use the new extenders with the old compilers. However, note that if you use the 32-bit wwnet32i.dll then you must now include: www9532i.dll or wwwnt32i.dll with your small exe's, as described below:

The WWNET32I.DLL, Win32 Basic Extender DLL, which supports the existing net[..] functions will still be distributed for backwards compatibility. However, this DLL is a "wrapper" or "shell" which calls the appropriate platform-specific extender and must be used in combination with WWW9532I.DLL or WWWNT32I.DLL.

So all you have to do to use the WWNET32I.DLL is to addextender that DLL in your WBT, e.g.,

and Winbatch will go out on its own, to look for the appropriate corresponding DLL (either 95 or NT) for that platform.

One of these DLL's (depending on the operating system being used) will need to be available, either in the current directory, in the same directory as WWNET32I.DLL, or in a directory on the path.


I want to use WinBatch96 and WinBatch99 in parallel in our network. That the new WinBatch99 functions work fine, I have to use the NEW Network-Extenders for the new and the OLD Network-Extenders for the old batches over the "Add Extender" statement in every Batch, that's clear. But their names are simular (e.g. wwwnt32i.dll).

Now I tried to rename the NEW DLLs and the DAT-Files into e.g. wwwnt99i.dll. But this doesn't work when I want to run a batch, which includes the NEW Version of WWNET32I.DLL over the AddExtender statement.

When I start this batch, always Dr. Watson appears and it doesn't matter which computer I try. The new wwwnt32i.dll is ok, there is no problem. Only with the WWNET32i.dll.


I ran into the same problem a year ago but it can be solve by adding path to your extender. ie.. AddExtender(strcat(DirHome(),WWWNT32I.DLL).

Most extedners can be renamed. But it does not work when you use wwnet32i.dll as it merely references the other dlls - and does not expect their names to be changed.

Either don't use it, or do AddExtender with a full path.

Question (cont'd):

You write "either don't use it ...". I think this would be the best solution, of course. But I need this Extender, because in nearly every WinBatch are network commands used. I think thist won't work, will it?

Is the possibility to use a whole path for the extenders a save thing? So that I take different pathes in WB96 and WB99 Scripts?


I think when you use the wwnet32i.dll extender you MUST be logged to the directory that contains the other DLLS.


might do it.

Question (cont'd):

But what happens with the wwnet32i.dll which maybe is in the memory in that moment? If the old Version ist in the memory, it would be a problem, wouldn't it? Or will WinBatch read always the "AddExtender"-DLL into the memory? It's always possible, that on one PC first a WB96 Batch is called and then a WB99. What do you think about this?


No problem. In 32 bit Windows the system is able to keep DLLS with the same name separate. In Windows 3.1 this was a big problem. They fixed it.
Article ID:   W13566
Filename:   WWNET32I Extender with Older WinBatch.txt
File Created: 2001:03:01:13:56:02
Last Updated: 2001:03:01:13:56:02