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Display a policy statement before logon

 Keywords: logon login policy legal notice 


How can I display a computer use policy to each person when they log into a workstation.


Insert the following values in the registry:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon


"LegalNoticeCaption"="Title of the notice goes here" "LegalNoticeText"="stuff you want to tell folks goes here -- like abandon hope all ye hwo enter here, or don't be playing games on this PC, or whatever"

Once these registry edits are made, possibly with the RegSetValue function, the machine will popup a box with the title and text and an "OK" button nothing else happens until you click on the "OK" button

Article ID:   W14874
File Created: 2001:11:08:12:40:46
Last Updated: 2001:11:08:12:40:46