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COM Object for DLL Calls

 Keywords: COM Object for DLL Calls DllCall 

I just stumbled upon two articles in Dr. Dobbs Journal about "An Automation Object for Dynamic DLL Calls" and "A DynaCall () function for Win32".



; How to use DynaWrap "dynwrap.dll" in WinBatch scripts.
; Following examples demonstrate how to use the "dynwrap.dll" for accessing API functions from WinBatch script.
; The examples need to have the ActiveX "dynwrap.dll" installed and registered as a COM server.
; The "dynwrap.dll" is part of the zip package "".
; Download from there:
; See also: A DynaCall() Function for Win32,
; See also: An Automation Object for Dynamic DLL Calls,
; Copy the "dynwrap.dll" to a folder of your wish and register it in the system.
; To register "dynwrap.dll", type at the commandline prompt: "regsvr32.exe dynwrap.dll"
; This script programmatically registers the DynamicWrapper DLL file, which is assumed to reside in the same folder as this script.
; Un-registering is not provided by the DLL, but programmtically realized within this script by removing the specific registry keys.
; (c)Detlev Dalitz.20100124.20100125.

; Register DynaWrap.
intResult = DllCall (DirScript () : "DYNWRAP.DLL", long : "DllRegisterServer")
Message ("DynamicWrapper", "DynamicWrapper is registered.")

; Create DynaWrap object.
objDW = ObjectCreate ("DynamicWrapper")

; Example 1.

objDW.Register("USER32.DLL", "MessageBoxA", "f=s", "i=hssu", "r=l")
objDW.Register("USER32.DLL", "MessageBoxW", "f=s", "i=hwwu", "r=l")

intResult1 = objDW.MessageBoxA(ObjectType("NULL"), "MessageBox (ANSI)", "From DynaWrap Object 1", 3)          ; 6 = Yes.
intResult2 = objDW.MessageBoxA(ObjectType("NULL"), "MessageBox (ANSI)", "From DynaWrap Object 2", 3 | 256)    ; 7 = No.
intResult3 = objDW.MessageBoxW(ObjectType("NULL"), "MessageBox (UNICODE)", "From DynaWrap Object 3", 3 | 512) ; 2 = Cancel.

; Example 2.

Decimals (6)

objDW.Register("MSVCRT.DLL", "sin", "f=mc8", "i=d", "r=d")
objDW.Register("MSVCRT.DLL", "cos", "f=mc8", "i=d", "r=d")
objDW.Register("MSVCRT.DLL", "sinh", "f=mc8", "i=d", "r=d")
objDW.Register("MSVCRT.DLL", "cosh", "f=mc8", "i=d", "r=d")

fltResult1 = objDW.Sin(@PI / 2.0)  ; 1.000000
intResult1 = objDW.MessageBoxA(DllHwnd(""), : "Sin (@PI / 2.0) = " : fltResult1, "MSVCRT|Sin", 1)

fltResult2 = objDW.SinH(@PI / 2.0) ; 2.301299
intResult2 = objDW.MessageBoxA(DllHwnd(""), : "SinH (@PI / 2.0) = " : fltResult2, "MSVCRT|SinH", 1)

fltResult3 = objDW.Cos(@PI / 2.0)  ; 0.000000
intResult3 = objDW.MessageBoxA(DllHwnd(""), : "Cos (@PI / 2.0)  = " : fltResult3, "MSVCRT|Cos", 1)

fltResult4 = objDW.CosH(@PI / 2.0) ; 2.509178
intResult4 = objDW.MessageBoxA(DllHwnd(""), : "CosH (@PI / 2.0) = " : fltResult4, "MSVCRT|CosH", 1)

;Example 2.

objDW.Register("KERNEL32.DLL", "GetPrivateProfileString", "f=s", "i=ssslls", "r=l")
;   DWORD WINAPI GetPrivateProfileString(
;     __in   LPCTSTR lpAppName,
;     __in   LPCTSTR lpKeyName,
;     __in   LPCTSTR lpDefault,
;     __out  LPTSTR lpReturnedString,
;     __in   DWORD nSize,
;     __in   LPCTSTR lpFileName
;   );

strIniFilename = DirHome () : "WIL.CLR"
strIniSection = "COLORS"
strIniKey = "CON"

intBBSize = 2048
hdlBB = BinaryAlloc (intBBSize)
BinaryEodSet (hdlBB, intBBSize)
intBBAddr = BinaryBufInfo (hdlBB, 1)
intSize = objDW.GetPrivateProfileString(strIniSection, strIniKey, "", intBBAddr, intBBSize, strIniFilename)
strIniValue = BinaryPeekStr (hdlBB, 0, intSize) ; e. g. "128,0,128"
hdlBB = BinaryFree (hdlBB)

intResult = objDW.MessageBoxA(DllHwnd(""), : strIniFilename : @LF : @LF : strIniSection : "=" : strIniValue, "GetPrivateProfileString", 0 | 64)

Drop (objDW)

; Un-register DynaWrap.
blnResult = @FALSE
If RegExistKey (@REGMACHINE, "SOFTWARE\Classes\DynamicWrapper\CLSID")
   strCLSID = RegQueryValue (@REGMACHINE, "SOFTWARE\Classes\DynamicWrapper\CLSID[]")
   If strCLSID != ""
      If RegExistKey (@REGMACHINE, "SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\" : strCLSID : "\InProcServer32")
         strFilePath = RegQueryValue (@REGMACHINE, "SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\" : strCLSID : "\InProcServer32[]")
         If FileExist (strFilePath) == 1
            blnResult = RegDeleteKey (@REGMACHINE, "SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\" : strCLSID)
            If blnResult Then blnResult = RegDeleteKey (@REGMACHINE, "SOFTWARE\Classes\DynamicWrapper")
            Message ("DynamicWrapper", "DynamicWrapper cannot un-register." : @LF : "DLL file not found at registered file path." : @LF : strFilePath)
If blnResult Then Message ("DynamicWrapper", "DynamicWrapper is un-registered.")

Article ID:   W18170
Filename:   COM Object for DLL Calls .txt
File Created: 2019:08:14:09:27:30
Last Updated: 2019:08:14:09:27:30