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GroupWise and WinBatch

;This is a sample script using GroupWise API and WinBatch(2002f) OLE commands, for sending a new message from GroupWise 6.x or later.
Subject="Test 3" ;Subject of Message
Body=" This is a Test" ;Body of Message
GWApp = CreateObject("NovellGroupWareSession") ;Opens GroupWise API Session
GWRootAccount = GWApp.Login("", "") ;May need to have GroupWise or Notify running, or insert user name and password in high security environment
MailApplication = GWRootAccount.Cabinet.Messages.Add("GW.MESSAGE.MAIL")
For m= 1 To 1;Set to 4 to send to 4 users ;For adding multiple recipients
   MailApplication.Recipients.Add (ToList%m%)
;for attachment, un-rem these next two lines.
;MailApplication.Attachments.Add (Attach)
MailApplication.Subject = Subject
MailApplication.Bodytext = Body
MailApplication.Send ;Send Message


Article ID:   W17196
File Created: 2007:07:03:14:28:42
Last Updated: 2007:07:03:14:28:42