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Delete Message from Exchange


I'm trying to create a simple script which will check an email box on an exchange server, read the subject, write the subject then delete the message off the server. I'm using the mapi extender wwmap34i. So far, I have everything working, except the deleting the email part. I cannot figure out how to delete the message after it is done.

I can log into the server. Massage the information, but do not see documentation on how to delete the message. I tried using postie, but it is not available as we do not allow pop/imap checking on the exchange server.


;	I assume you want to delete mail in the INBOX...
;	try putting three emails into the INBOX and deleting them all.

objOutlook = ObjectOpen("Outlook.Application")
oln = objOutlook.GetNameSpace("MAPI")
oln.logon("", "", 0, 1)  ;userid/password combo...try it blank
;	Find the Mailbox Folder...
For x = 1 To oln.Folders.count  ;loop once for each folder
   If StrIndexNC(oln.Folders.item(x).name, "Mailbox -", 1, @FWDSCAN);< find user Mail Box
      Message("Debug", oln.Folders.item(x).name)
      MainFolder = oln.Folders.item(x).folders
      Inbox = MainFolder.item("Inbox") ;<-- Inbox
for x = 1 to Inbox.items.count  ;<-- loop thru the inbox's items...
	ThisMsg = Inbox.items(x)
	DaSubject = ThisMsg.subject
	DaBody    = ThisMsg.body
	DaTo      = ThisMsg.To
	DaSentBy  = ThisMsg.SenderName
	DaReceived= ThisMsg.ReceivedTime
	FileName  = strcat("c:\Email Message ", x, ".txt")  ;<-- you'll have to come up with something more elaborate...
	Filebody  = strcat("Sent By: ", DaSentBy, @crlf, "Received at: ", DaReceived, @crlf, "Sent To: ", DaTo, @crlf)
	Filebody  = strcat(Filebody, "Subject: ", DaSubject, @crlf, @crlf, DaBody)
	message("Item #%x%", Filebody)
	if askyesno("Outlook", "Delete this email?")
		x = x - 1  ;must decrement loop because inbox count auto decrements...
;		fileput(FileName, Filebody)  ;<-- UNCOMMENT -- this may over write existing files...

message("Debug", "All Done")
MainFolder      = 0
Inbox           = 0
objOutlook      = 0
oln             = 0

Article ID:   W17193
File Created: 2007:07:03:14:28:40
Last Updated: 2007:07:03:14:28:40