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IBM Personal Communications Connect Via COM

I have a sample program using COM to connect to IBM Personal Communications 5.5 CSD4 or later.

The sample program will connect to:

Session A
display the current screen
Check the Status of PCOMM
Send some text
Hit Enter
Wait for a specific screen to come back or timeout
I have added the link to download the IBM PDF, and the chapter which show's all the commands you can access.

Now that 2004C is out, we can do just about everything!

Have Fun

;This code will work using IBM Personal Communications 5.5 CSD4 or later.
;  For more information on programming IBM Personal Communications go to:
;			get manual - Host Access Class Library
;		all information is located in: Chapter 3. Host Access Class Library Automation Objects
#DefineSubroutine ConnectToPCOMM(SessionShortName)

	bSuccess = @FALSE

	 'must refresh the sessions list
	 ;get the amount of sessions open
    Num = autECLConnList.Count

	 for xloop = 1 to Num
	 	 if autECLConnList.ConnInfo(1).Name <> SessionShortName then
	       autECLPSObj.SetConnectionByName (SessionShortName)
	       autECLOIA.SetConnectionByName (SessionShortName)
	       autECLWinObj.SetConnectionByName (SessionShortName)
			 bSuccess = @TRUE
		 end if
	next xloop

	return bSuccess

;  Get the status of the system, and don't return until it is ready or we timeout
;	autECLOIA.InputInhibited
;		Value Meaning
;			 0 Not Inhibited
;			 1 System Wait
;			 2 Communication Check
;			 3 Program Check
;			 4 Machine Check
;			 5 Other Inhibit
#DefineSubroutine GetPCOMMStatus(RetryCount)

    For xloop = 1 To RETRYCOUNT
        lResult = autECLOIA.InputInhibited
        Select lResult
            Case 0
            Case 1
                autECLOIA.WaitForInputReady(2000) ;wait 2 second
            Case 2
                autECLOIA.WaitForInputReady(2000)  ;wait for 2 second
            Case 3
                autECLOIA.WaitForInputReady(2000)  ;wait for 2 second
            Case 4
                autECLOIA.WaitForInputReady(2000)  ;wait for 2 second
            Case 5
                autECLPSObj.SendKeys("[reset]", 1, 1)
                TimeDelay(1)  							;wait 1 second
        End Select
		  if lResult == 0 then break  ;exit the for loop
    Next xloop
    ;return a 1 if everything works, return a negative error code on failure
    lResult = lResult * -1
    If lResult == 0 Then lResult = 1
	return lResult

	;could be read from an INI file
	SessionShortName = "A"  ;Session A
	RetryCount = 5

	autECLConnList = ObjectCreate("PCOMM.autECLConnList")
	autECLOIA = ObjectCreate("PCOMM.autECLOIA")
	autECLPSObj = ObjectCreate("PCOMM.autECLPS")
	autECLWinObj = ObjectCreate("PCOMM.autECLWinMetrics")
	Result = ConnectToPCOMM(SessionShortName)
	if result == @false then
		Message('PCOMM Is Not Running','Exiting!')
	end if

	;Get the entire screen
	;	actual X/Y coordinates you see on the PCOMM Screen plus length of text to get
	t1 = autECLPSObj.GetText(1,1,1920)			

	lResult = GetPCOMMStatus(RetryCount)
	if lResult == 1 then
		;put the text directly on the screen
	   ;	actual X/Y coordinates you see on the PCOMM Screen
		autECLPSObj.SetText("Barry", 6, 37)			
	;	autECLPSObj.SetText("McLellan", 7, 37)
		;Send and enter to the host
		bResult = autECLPSObj.WaitForString("BOTH LOGONID AND PASSWORD REQUIRED", 0, 0, 5000, 1, 1) ;0,0 check all screen
	   																											;for 5 seconds
																													;wait until OIA is ready for input before returning
																													;1 = Case Sensitive
		if bResult == 0 then
			message('String Not Found Timed Out!',bResult)
			message('String Found! Successful',bResult)
		end if
		message('Error',StrCat('System Error ',lResult))
	end if	

	autECLConnList = ""
	autECLOIA = ""
	autECLPSObj = ""
	autECLWinObj = ""


Article ID:   W16654
File Created: 2005:02:18:12:21:46
Last Updated: 2005:02:18:12:21:46