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Logon Issues

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Automated Login Problem for Windows2000

Keywords:   Automated Login Problems Windows2000


I am currently running windows 2000. While on Windows 98, i was running a automated login file, which prompted the user to enter a user id, and password, would go authenticate it, and if correct, show or make the the desktop visible. If incorrect, the login would loop (w/an incorrect entry notification), until the correct on was entered. Now that i have upgraded to 2000, the application no longer works. I will always get an error message the "Main Class can not be found"...I copied the files over, and still no results...Anyone have any suggestions.


Win2K has the same type of "secure" desktop that WinNT has. This means that any sort of desktop lock-down strategy that you used in the Win9x environment is not going to work on Win2K.

You will need to have Win2K either authenticate against a domain controller or against its own local user database, depending on the configuration of your Win2K installation. Once that happens sucessfully Win2K will present a desktop to the user.

Until a user is sucessfully logged on to the workstation there is no desktop environment. Only program code that has been linked into the login and authentication modular architecture has any access to the "desktop" before/during the logon process. If you write a replacement "GINA" DLL you can enhance or replace the existing logon GUI with your own logon program. However, this is beyond the capabilities of WinBatch.

Article ID:   W14635
Filename:   Automated Login Problem for Windows2000.txt
File Created: 2000:06:19:12:43:12
Last Updated: 2000:06:19:12:43:12