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Sample NT Login Script

Keywords:   nt login

This is a cut down version of the NT Login Script that I use. Its a LOT more complicated than it needs to be, but I had fun writing it :)

You may find bits of it useful.

It consits of 4 files (Login.bat, Update.exe, Main.exe and Script.wbc), they work as follows.

  1. Login.bat runs from server - it runs Update.exe from the local PC
  2. Update.exe - it looks on the server to see if there is a new version of Update, Main or Dlls, if so they are copied into a temp directory.
  3. Back to Login.bat, which copies the files from the temp dir to the real one.
  4. Login.bat runs Main.exe from local PC.
  5. Main.exe - sets up settings, finds out who, what, where. and Calls script.wbc from server (small file <20k)
  6. script.wbc - maps drives, updates system files, maps printers etc
  7. Finish. 

Article ID:   W14636
Filename:   NT Login Script for Slow Dialup Connections.txt
File Created: 2019:08:14:09:21:42
Last Updated: 2019:08:14:09:21:42